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They looked at each other across the body.

Momentarily stunned, he just stared for a few beats too long. If she’d never seen a violent death, she might be in shock, he reminded himself. Her right hand was bloody, he saw when he could wrench his gaze from her face. She’d touched the victim when she first fell to her knees beside him. Zach lifted his own hand to see that, yeah, his own fingertips were bloody, too. The guy’s face was a chunk of raw meat. The hands and arms he’d raised in defense weren’t any better.

Recalled by the sound of an approaching siren, he said gently, “There’s nothing you can do. The medics will be here any minute.”

She looked down, then back up. “He’s dead, isn’t he?”

“I’m afraid so.”

“Why?” she whispered.

“I have no idea.”

The Closer He Gets

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