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Dear Reader

I am so blessed in that I come from a family where Christmas is always a special time and always has been. My family didn’t necessarily get a lot material-wise, but the love and memories we have are worth more than anything a shiny package could ever hold. Sadly, I’ve run across people who have had a tragedy around the holidays, or who haven’t been so blessed, and I think how terrible the holidays must be when there are reminders everywhere one looks.

Nurse Trinity Warren is just such a person. She’s good-hearted, but grew up in a household where Christmas not only wasn’t celebrated, but also became an embarrassment for her because her home life was so different from that of her peers. And getting dumped by her ex in a very public way at her hospital Christmas party sure didn’t do anything to pump up her Christmas joy.

His name might not be St Nicholas, but Dr Riley Williams loves Christmas just about as much as the jolly red-suited man. Not used to being ignored by the opposite sex, Riley finds his interest piqued by Trinity’s seeming indifference to him and her professed dislike of the most wonderful time of year. Showing her the magic of the season is the challenge his bored heart has been searching for, but can he really fall in love with someone whose life motto is bah-humbug?

I hope you enjoy reading Trinity and Riley’s story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Drop me an e-mail at Janice@janicelynn.net to share your thoughts about their romance, Christmas, or just to say hello.

Merry Christmas!


After The Christmas Party…

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