Читать книгу Return To Little Hills - Janice Macdonald - Страница 2

Zowee! Edie thought as she walked back across the campus to her mother’s car. Zowee! Zowee! Zowee!


In the car she pulled off her jacket, tossed it onto the back seat, kicked off her heels, which had elevated her exactly to the level of Peter Darling’s gray-green eyes, threw them into the back, too, and sat grinning idiotically at the cracked green vinyl-covered dashboard.


Shaking her head, she pulled down the driving mirror to look at her face: flushed scarlet. The car, she noted belatedly, was a furnace. She rolled down the driver’s window, still seeing Peter Darling’s face.


If every female in the place wasn’t having indecent dreams about him, she’d…eat her press pass.

Return To Little Hills

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