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Chapter Four

Vanessa stood. The sheriff’s department had found her? How? She hadn’t used a credit card.

This was the problem with living in a relatively small town. There were no secrets. One call from the police to the front desk in a systematic search and the clerk would undoubtedly have remembered her and told them. It was pretty odd for Vanessa to be at a hotel of this caliber, since most people knew her face and reputation—the Outer Banks princess—but didn’t really know anything about her. They assumed she still lived off her parents’ money, just as Liam had assumed in the bathroom.

She didn’t. She hadn’t for more than eight years.

It really didn’t matter how the officer had found her. She had to figure out what to do.

They couldn’t get out the one window of the room; it was right next to the door. There was no window in the bathroom, either.

The pounding on the door came again. Not obnoxiously loud, but firm enough to know whoever was on the other side meant business. “I need to speak with Vanessa Epperson.”

Tears were running down Karine’s face but she made no sound. Vanessa glanced frantically around the room before her gaze settled on Liam.

Who was taking his shirt off?

“Get her into the bathroom, then come back out here.” He looked at Karine. “Stay very quiet in there. We’ll take care of this.”

The young girl nodded and ran to the bathroom. As soon as she turned away, Liam kicked off his shoes and socks and started unbuttoning his jeans, before pulling them, and his underwear, all the way off.

Liam was naked.

Vanessa pulled the bathroom door closed behind her and tried not to stare but could not help herself.

Liam was naked.

He ruffled his own hair so it stood on end, then turned and walked to the door, opening it a few inches.

“Man, what is going on? Do you know what time it is?” Liam looked down at an arm that didn’t have a watch on it. “Neither do I. But it’s like the butt crack of dawn.”

“Um, excuse me, sir.”

Vanessa couldn’t see the officer but could hear the discomfiture in his voice.

“We were told that Vanessa Epperson was staying in this room.”

“Well, she is, man.” Liam yawned and ran a hand through his hair. “But she’s a little worn out right now if you know what I mean.”

Liam opened the door a little farther, his nakedness causing the man to step back rather than step closer to look inside.

“Um, could you put some clothes on, sir? I’d like to talk to Miss Epperson, please.”

The officer wasn’t going to be deterred, although Liam was doing his best. Vanessa wasn’t sure if the officer could enter the room without a warrant, since it was a hotel, not a home, but she didn’t want to find out.

She pulled off her pajamas—T-shirt and shorts—so she was also naked, grabbed the sheet off the bed and wrapped it around herself. She wasn’t as bold as Liam and willing to answer the door buck-naked.

“Hey, baby.” She walked up behind Liam and slid her arms around his chest, running them over his pecs and abs, feeling them tighten under her fingers. “What’s going on?”

This is all just an act. This is all just an act. This is all just an act.

Liam put an arm around her and pulled her in front of him so the sheet was covering them both from the officer outside.

But her very naked back was pressed to his very naked front. All of his naked front. Vanessa couldn’t stop the shiver that ran through her entire body when he reached down and kissed the tender skin joining her neck and shoulder.

This is all just an act.

“This officer of the law was looking for you,” Liam said in that friendly mocking voice only he seemed to be able to pull off without offending people. “Have you been a naughty girl?”

Vanessa could tell the more intimate she and Liam pretended to be, the more uncomfortable the young officer became. She turned partway in Liam’s arms so she was half facing him. “What if I have?”

He leaned down and kissed her, biting her lip with his teeth and pulling on it before letting it go. “Well, I’d have to do something about that, wouldn’t I?” He nipped at her lip again. “First I’d have to—”

The officer cleared his throat in an embarrassingly loud manner, stopping whatever scene Liam was about to describe.

This is all just an act. This is all—

“Excuse me, sir...ma’am. I’m Officer Atwood. I just have a few questions. Then I’ll let you get back to your...business.”

Vanessa kept the sheet clutched at her chest, making sure it didn’t fall too low. But she could feel Liam’s hands on her waist, rubbing tiny little circles with his fingers. Moving down to her hips and back up again. The feeling was delicious. She wanted to push his hands away but couldn’t if she didn’t want to give the officer of the law a peep show.

Liam pulled her back, flush against his body. Vanessa barely kept in the moan that wanted to escape her.

This was all just an act.

“Yes, Officer Atwood. What’s your question?”

Evidently the act was working, because the poor officer standing in front of her didn’t know where to look and barely seemed to know how to pose his question.

“Um, last night, did you have a teenage girl with you?”

Liam’s fingers stopped their rubbing and gripped her hips tightly in warning. She knew she couldn’t totally deny being with Karine. Obviously the sheriff’s department already knew that, had probably been told that by Judy at the hospital. There wouldn’t be any reason for her not to tell them.

“Yeah, that runaway kid? Bless her heart. She was not looking so good. I picked her up off Highway 158. We went by 7-Eleven to get some food—I don’t trust runaways with cash, it’s often used to immediately buy drugs—and then I took her to the hospital, since it looked like she might have some injuries or something.”

Liam’s fingers resumed their circles.

“Did she tell you her name, where she was from?”

Vanessa shook her head. “Katy or something, I think? She didn’t really talk much at all. I think she might have been on something. Why? Did she do something bad after I left her at the hospital?”

“You just left a minor at the hospital? Don’t you work in social services, Miss Epperson?”

Uh-oh. The officer was right. Vanessa would never have left a teenager alone at the hospital. She felt Liam’s fingers tighten again.

“Yeah, but I’m not a social worker around the clock.” She smiled at the officer. “It was after eight. I had other plans that very definitely did not involve a teenage girl.” Vanessa allowed herself to melt back into Liam. He pulled his hand up from her waist to tilt her head back against his shoulder so he could kiss her.

She was instantly thrown back into old times. The heat between them had always been almost palpable. They might have yelled at each other, fought and wanted to kill each other at times, but whenever they had been this close, an undeniable passion had flared between them.

Vanessa couldn’t help herself; she twisted, trying to get closer to him.

Until she heard the officer clear his throat once more.

Damn it. This is all just an act. Remember that.

Liam brought his lips up from hers. “I was her other plans,” he said to the officer, winking, deliberately downplaying his intelligence. Anything to keep the other man’s guard down.

It worked. Atwood rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I got that. Thanks.” He looked at Vanessa. “So you left the girl at the hospital?”

“I checked her in with one of the nurses, asked her to call social services—you know, someone who was actually on the clock—and pretty much left. Because, like I said...other plans.”

“And you didn’t have her with you for the rest of the night?”

One of Liam’s arms came to rest across her chest, hooking around the top of her opposite shoulder, pulling her farther back against him. “Officer, if we had a kid in the room with us while doing some of the stuff we did last night, you would have to arrest us right now.” He winked again.

“Hey!” Vanessa feigned outrage and elbowed him in the stomach. Or rock-hard abs.

“Sorry, baby,” he whispered, “but you know it’s true.”

“Is the girl in some sort of trouble?” she asked Atwood.

“She’s a suspect in some burglaries of homes in the area, so we’re trying to find her.”

“Darn it. I was hoping she was just a runaway who could be reunited with her parents. Some kids get away from home and when faced with the reality of the streets realize that home wasn’t such a bad place, after all.”

Officer Atwood shook his head. “She’s definitely wanted by the police.”

“Okay, well, if for some reason I see her again, I’ll be sure to let you know.”

Liam was starting to play with her bare shoulder with his fingers as though he was getting impatient for the officer to be gone.

“Okay. Thank you for your time. Sorry to have interrupted your...rest.”

“No problem, man. I think we might go back inside and play out our own version of good cop, bad cop.”

Vanessa giggled as Liam dragged her inside and shut the door.

“Do you think he bought—”

Her words were cut off by his mouth swooping down and devouring hers.

This time it was not just an act.

Vanessa gave herself over to the kiss, to the heat. As always, she didn’t have any choice. It consumed her. The thin bed sheet was the only thing between them as he lifted her and pressed her against the door they’d just closed.

She couldn’t hold back the moan. She didn’t even try. She wrapped her fingers in his brown hair, still as silky and thick as she’d remembered it, and pulled him closer.

It was as if all the years they’d been apart melted away; all the pain they’d caused each other never happened.

Except it had. Both seemed to remember that at the same time.

And that they had a very scared teenager in the bathroom.

Liam eased back and Vanessa slid down the door until her feet were on the floor. She unwound her hand from his hair and grabbed the sheet that covered her again, since it was in danger of falling now that they were no longer pressed together.

“You okay?” he asked.

Was she okay? No, not by any stretch of the imagination was she okay. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

He nodded then turned away to start dressing. She kept her back to him and did the same, in her clothes this time rather than her pajamas.

“I’m going to check on Karine,” she said without looking at him. Vanessa wasn’t sure she was ever going to be able to look at Liam again.

That was too bad, considering he was still just as ridiculously gorgeous as he had been eight years ago. Brown hair and green eyes. She had always been so damn jealous of those clear green eyes of his.

She tapped on the bathroom door and opened it a crack.

“Karine? It’s safe now, honey.”

She didn’t hear anything so she opened the door farther. “Karine?”

She wasn’t in the bathtub or behind the door. There was no window in the room for her to have climbed out.

“Miss Vanessa?” The sound came from the cabinet that ran under the length of the sink vanity.

Vanessa crouched and opened the cabinet. Oh, God, the girl had crammed herself in there to hide. It couldn’t have been comfortable.

“Come on out, honey. It’s safe now.” She helped Karine unfold herself from her small hiding space.

“I want to make sure nobody find me.”

“You did great, Karine.” Vanessa wrapped her arms around her and pulled the girl close. Even though she was so young, she was almost the same height as Vanessa. “It was the perfect hiding spot, but you’re safe now.”

“I was scared.”

“I don’t blame you.”

Liam turned from where he stood at the window. “Ladies, we can’t stay here.”

“Do you think that officer will come back?” Vanessa asked.

“Not him. I think we traumatized him enough. But once he reports that he found you, Vanessa, but did not actually search the room, somebody else—higher up who won’t be scared by a couple of naked people—will be coming back here. We need to get out now.”

Vanessa took her arm from around Karine. “I’ll go get your clothes so you can change, okay?”

She grabbed the same clothes from yesterday—yoga pants that were too large and another T-shirt—and walked them to Karine. She left the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

Liam was standing a few feet away directly in front of her. He folded his arms over his chest and she couldn’t help noticing the bulge of his biceps. Liam had always been in good shape, even when they’d known each other before.

Now he was rock solid. Everywhere. This morning’s theatrical performance had proved that.

It was totally unfair that he looked just as good in clothes as he did without them. And that she was still so affected by him.

“I think you owe me an explanation.” The intensity of his voice caused parts of her deep inside to flutter.

“About what? I told you pretty much everything I know about Karine.”

“Not about Karine. About you. What the hell is going on with you?”

Vanessa shrugged, confused. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“Well, let’s start with the two words I never thought I’d hear used to describe you. Social worker.”

Armoured Attraction

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