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Chapter Two


He watched Tanner Dempsey leave the courthouse just like he’d watched him all day. He’d silently observed, no one discovering what he was really doing. What he was really planning.

Had Dempsey realized he was watching? Of course not. Because Tanner Dempsey was so full of himself he couldn’t possibly conceive that someone might watch him with contempt or scorn or disdain.

The handsome cop with the charming smile couldn’t possibly devise that someone didn’t fall under the spell of his charisma.

The man felt bile churning in his stomach as he saw how friendly other people were with Dempsey. It was impossible to understand how everyone surrounding the cop in the courthouse wasn’t sickened by his arrogance. How he obviously thought himself better than everyone.

And then people shook his hand, smiling and friendly. Fooled. They couldn’t see the truth right in front of them—that Dempsey was fooling them all.

It had taken every ounce of restraint the man had to not stand up in the courtroom and scream out that Dempsey was a fraud.

Dempsey thought the rules did not apply to him. Thought he could just do whatever he wanted. That everyone he arrested and testified against was no better than a bug beneath his shoe.

But soon they would all learn the truth about Tanner Dempsey’s conceit. He would get what was coming to him.

It was time for the lawman to fall from grace. And the man would make sure that happened.

Security Risk

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