Читать книгу The River to Glory Land - Janie DeVos - Страница 3


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“Teach me to fly,” I said softly, still gazing out my side window.

“Huh?” Scott asked, unsure that he’d heard me correctly.

“I mean…I…” Startled, I realized what I’d said. “I mean, it’s so beautiful—it’s just…” I didn’t have the words.

“I know,” he said almost reverently. “It is.”

We were quiet for a little while, looking out over the sparkling Atlantic. The day couldn’t have been more perfect. And because it was only about eleven in the morning, the sun was not yet overhead. It created a golden fan of color on the turquoise water below. I thought that if I died right then, I would have had a preview of Heaven even before taking my last breath.

The River to Glory Land

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