Читать книгу Of Things Gone Astray - Janina Matthewson - Страница 14



WHEN HE CAME DOWN TO the kitchen, Robert found Bonny sitting at the table, studiously drawing on one of the bamboo place mats.

‘Dad,’ said Bonny, fixing Robert with a serious gaze. ‘Can I do something different with my cereal today?’

‘What did you have in mind?’

‘Well, instead of having just one kind of cereal, can I have cornflakes and coco pops mixed all together?’

‘That is an excellent idea, Bonny. I’m going to do the same. Would you like a banana sliced on top of yours?’

‘Um, not so much. Can I have a banana just on its own?’

Mara walked into the kitchen as they were eating. She had dressed, but not yet done anything with her hair, which stood out from her head in a wild mane of tawny brown. Robert stood and walked over to her. He twisted his hands into the mass of hair and kissed her.

‘Nice of you to wait till you’d showered before doing that, my love,’ she said.

‘Anything for you.’

‘I’m glad you feel that way,’ said Mara, concentrating harder than was strictly necessary on the cup of coffee she was pouring. ‘I’ve been asked to go in to see Bonny’s teacher this afternoon. Can you come?’

‘Do they need both of us?’

‘No, they didn’t say that, it’s just that I’m nervous and I’d rather not go alone. It’s the first time I’ve been called in to see a teacher and I don’t know what they want. I’m worried I won’t act like enough of a grown up.’

‘If it were next week I probably could. I’ve a lot on at the moment. A few people are away at a conference, you know, and we’ve taken on a couple of important new clients. You’ll be fine. They’re used to dealing with children, after all. Or can you move the meeting?’

‘Next week something else will come up and you still won’t be able to go.’

‘You can’t be sure of that.’

‘I am 87 per cent sure of that … 87 and a half. There is always something that needs to be done, and it always needs to be done by you because you’re a big girly swot who can’t delegate.’ She rubbed her eyes and took a sip of her coffee. ‘It’s fine,’ she said. ‘I can go alone. It’s probably no big deal.’

‘You sure?’

‘Yes, I’m sure, whatever; your job can’t be arranged to suit your convenience. Mine can.’

Robert kissed her.

‘Don’t think I don’t envy you that, by the way.’

‘Oh, you’ve no idea,’ said Mara, speaking right into his ear, all low and suggestive. ‘I can work naked if I want.’

‘Bloody hell, Mara,’ Robert muttered back. ‘And with that image I have to leave. To go to my office. The land where nakedness is a crime. Why didn’t I become a website designer? You lot have it so damn sweet.’

‘Please. You couldn’t handle it. And you’ve terrible taste.’

‘Ooh, right in the feelings.’

Mara gave a bloodthirsty chuckle and ruffled Robert’s hair as she walked past him to the cereal.

Robert grabbed his bag from the lounge and headed for the front door.

‘Babe,’ Mara called from behind him. Robert turned to see her standing in the hall holding her shirt open.

‘Mum, can I have a juice?’ Bonny called from the kitchen. Mara poked her tongue out and turned to go back to their daughter.

‘Bloody hell,’ Robert said again as he turned and stepped out into the world.

Of Things Gone Astray

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