Читать книгу Intimacy & Diabetes - Janis Roszler - Страница 18


6Intimacy & Diabetes

It is important to note that there are people who don’t feel sexually at-tracted to their loved ones but do participate in sexual activity. They do this because they value their relationships and want to fulfill the needs of their partner.

When all parts of one’s body are functioning typically, the sexual act can be fulfilling and raise a relationship to a higher level. Physical and emotional connections do more than inspire great nations to be con-quered, buildings to be built, and poetry to be composed; they bind two people together in a way that can withstand any physical or emotional challenge. When diabetes enters your relationship, however, it can affect how you relate to your partner on both a physical and emotional level.

You may not be ready to erect massive monuments, fall onto a sword, or compose poetry that will be quoted by generations to come, but the intimate relationship you have with a loved one deserves to be cherished, nurtured, and protected. Remember how you fell in love? What it was like to be intimate for the first time? How about the wonderful “pillow talk” that you enjoyed after sharing a sexual embrace? If diabetes has sto-len romance from your relationship, you can bring it back. Don’t deny yourself the most personal expression of caring a couple can share.

Diabetes may change the way you experience certain pleasurable mo-ments in your life, but it doesn’t have to steal them from you altogether. You can enjoy a new level of intimacy with your partner. This book will provide you with guidance on how to accomplish that. As the late come-dian Joan Rivers liked to ask, “Can we talk?” Yes, we can.

Intimacy & Diabetes

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