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Fourteen Years Earlier

He stared at the television screen, his gaze riveted on the girl with the long, auburn hair. The most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. She spoke to a man—a man unworthy of her perfection—her green eyes alight with amusement.

His hand should be the one touching her silk-clad shoulder. He should be the one caressing her soft skin. No one else. She should belong to him.

Need surged through him, and he pulled a magazine over his lap to cover the evidence. A commercial flashed on the screen, and the red-haired beauty was gone. He hit the arm of the couch with his fist.

“Honey, you can change the channel if you like.” His mother’s voice drifted into the room ahead of her. “I don’t mind missing my soap just this once.”

“I don’t care what’s on. I’m not watching it anyway.”

“You look a bit feverish.” She touched his forehead with a cool hand.

“I took some aspirin with my regular meds earlier.” Why won’t she leave me alone? He steadied his breathing while waiting through several more commercials.

An advertisement for tampons ended, and the green-eyed girl was there again. Her beauty tugged at his heart.

“Oh, good, Jordan’s on today’s show. Her character’s new, and I hope they give her a big storyline. Isn’t she just the prettiest thing?”

He tuned out his mother’s voice the way he would a buzzing mosquito and focused on the television. So...her name was Jordan. None of the other girls on the show were like her. The others didn’t feed his desire. They didn’t create a burning need inside him. Jordan was special. Perfect.

His gaze followed her every move until the scene ended. A sigh of disappointment escaped as he leaned back against the couch cushions and waited while a different storyline built. More commercials followed. He gritted his teeth.

“You look tired, honey. Maybe you should go back to bed.”

“I will in a while.”

“How about some soup? Does that sound good?”

He nodded. Anything to get you to leave me alone.

Jordan reappeared on the screen. His stomach jumped, and the magazine on his lap twitched. God, how he wanted her.

She wouldn’t be interested in someone his age. The time wasn’t right, but someday it would be. He’d make her want him as much as he wanted her. Someday the beautiful Jordan would belong to him.

Every Move She Makes

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