Читать книгу Destiny’s Conflict: Book Two of Sword of the Canon - Janny Wurts, Janny Wurts - Страница 7


Sword of the Canon

Timeline with relevant dates

—5671/5672 A rash move: Dakar the Mad Prophet uses his Fellowship authority to attach Rathain’s crown with an oath of debt to the Koriathain, enabling Elaira to make use of the sisterhood’s knowledge to salvage Prince Arithon’s life. While she does invoke her initiate training to recall Arithon’s strayed spirit, she alters a very intricate ritual to create a Grand Confluence, making her healer’s lore adhere to the Major Balance precepts taught by Ath’s adepts. This change based on free will replicates an original, extremely ancient construct, historically stolen from the Biedar tribe by the Koriathain.

—The Biedar crone on Athera intervenes: through Elaira’s alteration, she seizes a thread of the working, and when the subsequent conception of a child occurs, calls the spirit of one of her tribal ancients to be reincarnated as Arithon’s daughter, born to Glendien at Althain Tower.

—Interim events following Stormed Fortress

—5672 Birth of Teylia to Glendien at Althain Tower.

—Elaira returns to the Koriathain under summons.

—5674 Arithon is betrayed and taken captive by the Koriathain, ignorant of Dakar’s oath of debt to the crown, since all that occurred at Athir to save him was kept secret.

—Pressured by the Prime’s threat to Elaira’s life as leverage to break him, Arithon sequesters all of his memories of her, together with his perilous knowledge of Grey Kralovir necromancy, into the emerald signet ring of Rathain, which is protected under Fellowship auspices, and guarded by Elaira as his handfast beloved.

—5674 The Fellowship Sorcerers gamble with extreme risk: to prevent Arithon’s immediate destruction at the hands of the Prime Matriarch, Kharadmon collapses the star wards that are holding back a mass invasion by Marak’s free wraiths. Prime Selidie is forced to negotiate, or see the world become devoured, since only a Masterbard’s art can ameliorate the threat.

—The Koriani Prime drives a harsh bargain: for a stay of execution, to last only until the last free wraith is settled, she demands that Sethvir surrender guardianship of Teylia to the sisterhood to seal the bargain.

—5676 Teylia is oathsworn as an initiate Koriathain. Her training to become the Prime’s successor is a disaster, her untrained power so great that every crystal she touches shatters.

—5683 The Great Schism: Lysaer abandons the Religion of Light in Tysan and retires to the mayor’s seat at Etarra. True Sect split of the faithful establishes a High Temple at Erdane.

—5688 Reform Years begin in Rathain: Lysaer’s justice creates a treaty with High Earl Barach that establishes fair law and brings stable peace with the clans of Rathain.

—5691 First Book of Canon Law and True Sect law is established at Erdane by the True Sect priests.

—5867 Drake War fought to a standstill by Fellowship Sorcerers at Penstair.

—5902 Treaty signed between True Sect zealots in Tysan and the Crown of Havish establishes a tenuous accord, to expire upon the death of the reigning queen.

Initiate’s Trial

—5922 Last free wraith from Marak is redeemed, and Arithon’s stay of execution is forfeit. On that hour, Teylia arranges for his release, without any of his prior memories, which alters him enough that the Koriathain cannot track him.

—Asandir relinquishes charge of Arithon’s fate back to the Prime Matriarch in a formal audience held at Whitehold, where he swears the Fellowship of Seven to a binding of nonintervention.

—The Prime Matriarch’s death spell to destroy Arithon through a blood binding backfires and claims Teylia’s life in his stead, leaving Arithon as a fugitive on his own devices.

—Arithon takes refuge with Tarens and his family on a croft near Kelsing in Tysan.

—Dakar is summarily discharged as a Fellowship apprentice and evicted from Althain Tower.

—Elaira sets off to seek the Biedar crone and becomes bearer of a flint knife with arcane properties.

—Asandir swears Daliana sen Evend to Lysaer’s service to curb the effects of the Mistwraith’s curse.

—5922–5923 True Sect priests raid the crofters’ home under suspicion they harbour a heretic, and Tarens kills the examiner. He and Arithon take flight under close-pressed pursuit into Caithwood.

—5923 Arithon wakens the wardings of Caithwood to evade an invasion by hostile pursuit, blending ancient knowledge of the Paravians, the Fellowship Sorcerers, and his bard’s arts.

—A resonant intersection in time/space allows High Earl Jieret to bequeath his memories to Tarens.

—A plot by Koriathain and True Sect priests triggers the Mistwraith’s curse, causing Lysaer to abdicate the mayor’s seat at Etarra, join the True Sect cause, and lead the Light’s invasion of Havish.

—A bold move by three clan children: Siantra s’Idir, Khadrien, and Esfand s’Valerient steal the sword Alithiel and set off to seek Prince Arithon.

—Tarens falls out with Arithon after a narrow escape from the True Sect at Torwent. The pair part company, Tarens to escort a band of refugees to safe haven with the High King of Havish at Fiaduwynne, and Arithon to take flight eastward, where he hides in plain sight as a healer in the True Sect war host.

—The great drake, Seshkrozchiel, goes into hibernation, and Luhaine, the Fellowship colleague who is still discorporate and therefore able to survive, assumes the burden of Davien’s bargain.

—Battle of Lithmarin: The Hatchet’s campaign to defeat the crown of Havish and seize Arithon sweeps across Lanshire, pinning Arithon against the shores of Lithmarin. A heroic stand by Havish’s war band wins the opening for Arithon’s escape, but the activation of the Crown Jewels and the land’s attuned power come at the tragic price of High King Gestry’s death.

—An impulsive move: Siantra, Esfand, and Khadrien are under Tarens’s escort home when Khadrien tries to borrow Asandir’s horse to deliver the sword Alithiel to Prince Arithon, who is in flight. The boy gets separated from his companions on the battlefield, and is ignominiously thrown, leaving him unhurt but on foot.

—The loose horse is subsequently caught by Arithon, and the sword it carries is recovered while he flees over the border of Melhalla.

—Dakar and Daliana remove Lysaer from the field at Lithmarin while the war host is still dazed and spirit him away into the barrens of Scarpdale.

Destiny’s Conflict

The season is spring in Third Age Year 5923

Destiny’s Conflict: Book Two of Sword of the Canon

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