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We find ourselves deeply indebted to many people for much of what appears in this book. We would like to publicly offer our heartfelt thanks for their contributions, intentional or otherwise:

To the Friday Nighters, whose affection for games introduced REF to many wonderful ideas that were used in two worlds, and the many writers of those games, most especially those at Midkemia Press.

To Kyung and Jon Conning, who gave JW a red-carpet tour of their home in Korea which added immeasurably to the colour in this book.

To Virginia Kidd, for making it easy for JW to say yes, and for years of wise counsel and friendship.

To our editors, Adrian Zackheim, who started with us, and Jim Moser, who was there at the finish.

To Richard C. Freese, for caring above and beyond duty’s call.

To Elaine Chubb, for making us look good.

To Daniel P. Mannix IV for both being an example of what a writer is, and for giving us a terrific place to work (the ducks notwithstanding).

And to Barbara A. Feist for putting up with one of us.

Raymond E. Feist

Janny Wurts

Frazer, PA, June, 1986

The Complete Empire Trilogy

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