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Intrigue. That is the sentiment I felt as I drew my sex map for the year 2020. Excited and anxious as the clock chimed at midnight, signaling that we had finally entered a new year. My year of exploration, adventure and plenty orgasms.

I hoped to actually be able to make time for every detail of this map, with work draining much of my time and entire social life. I needed some kind of relief, a sense of existence beyond the conference rooms where development plans for the City were discussed and the drudgery of budgets being discussed with a group of less than enthusiastic people.

I loved my job, a young communications specialist, it was hot to say out loud whenever I met a new potential lover or a fuck of the night, but my job was exhausting and the large amounts of paperwork left me drained and uninterested in going out for the night. I was going to change that.

After spending a large chunk of my twenties tolerating the incessant pounding by the young men I interacted with, and I thought that was pleasure, boy was I wrong and boy did I waste my time.

The first time I had an orgasm at the hands of a man was a monumental moment, one filled with tingles down my spine, shortened breaths, prolonged shaking in my legs and profound shocked look on my face. Unlike literally every other man I had been with, who would kiss me rashly before ripping my clothes off, I wanted my partners to take their time with me, paying close attention to every detail of my body before slowly sliding inside me, making love to me and then fucking me into multiple orgasmic paroxysms.

I decided, from then on, that is what I wanted, pleasure, pure, raw pleasure in its abundance, and I embarked on a journey to find it. That led me to my sex map. A little gift I think everyone should give themselves, at some point in their lives.

And so for 2020, I went all out, filling the details of my sex map with my wildest dreams and fantasies, from the detail of the veins on the dicks I would be riding, the length and the thickness that would fill my walls.

I had a goal in mind, and that was to start 2021 on a high note, knowing I had the confidence to claim all the pleasures I desired in 2020.

I wanted to have a moment of warmth, watching the sunset with a glass of wine crossing off every item on my map and wander off into my fantasies, looking for what I could fulfill the coming year.

I was excited, little butterflies in my stomach thinking about meeting new people and exploring their kinks and seeing how far I could push myself, I wondered for a moment if mediocre sex would ever fit in my vocabulary again.

So you can imagine my excitement when I met this man, who crossed two items off my map in one night.

The Map

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