The Juice Master: Turbo-charge Your Life in 14 Days

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Jason Vale. The Juice Master: Turbo-charge Your Life in 14 Days
Praise. Turbo-charge Changed My Life!
Table of Contents
Introduction. 14 Days Guaranteed to Turbo-charge Your Life for Ever
FAT Chance
I can guarantee that you will lose 8-14 lb on the 14-dayTurbo-charge Your Life programme
This programme is not just for Overweight people
Read the Book!
Buying the book isn’t enough – you have to read it!
Ninety-five per cent of self-help books remain unread on people’s shelves
Quote of the Decade
It’s No Good Being the Richest Person in the Graveyard!
Amazing health, like true love and affection, is about the only thing you cannot buy or cheat at – you can only do health
Digging Your Grave with Your Teeth
Our thinking determines everything we do: our food choices; what we drink; whether we exercise; our work; how productive we are; how much love we give and what we strive for in life
No More Excuses!
The only way to Stop having a big butt is to stop having a big ‘but’!
‘But I can’t because…I don’t have the time’
Money Rich – Time Poor
‘But…I can’t afford to get healthy’
All you need is a pair of trainers, plenty of water, some nutrientrich foods and the right mental attitude
‘But there’s nothing I can do about it because…fat is in my genes’
If you really want success on the slim, trim and energy-driven front, and have been hiding behind the rather convenient ‘but it’s in my genes’ excuse, you’d better face up to the fact that once again it’s all rubbish!
‘But I don’t understand it because…I never eat anything’
‘But it’s much harder for me because…I’ve got a slow metabolism’
One of the biggest myths about metabolic rate is that some people who are overweight have a slower metabolism than their slim friends
It may seem that because of your metabolism, ‘you only have to look at food’ to gain weight. I’m afraid the truth is that if you only looked at it, all would be well!
Eating too much of the wrong kinds of food and not moving your body enough on a regular basis are the only true reasons why people are overweight
‘But I’ve tried it all before and…it doesn’t work for me’
It doesn’t matter who you are, or how big or small you are. If you eat nature’s superfoods, move your body until you sweat on a regular basis, do some resistance training, think positively and get some fresh air – ‘IT’ will work
‘But it’s hard for me because…I eat as a response to emotion’
People ‘use’ refined fats and sugars in much the same way as people ‘use’ drugs, and the excuses for taking them are pretty much the same
People who consume rubbish foods and drinks all the time are more stressed and anxious than people who don’t
You cannot feed an emotional hunger with food – you can only feed a physical hunger. Anything you eat when not genuinely physically hungry will be stored as fat!
‘But, do you know what?…I’m “fine” as I am’
Freaked-out Insecure Neurotic & Emotional
‘But it’s hard because…I have children’
When you think about it, it surely takes longer to make toast and cereal than it does to prepare a delicious melon – there’s even less washing up!
If you say you are unhealthy, overweight and lethargic because you have children, you are inadvertently blaming their being born for your health demise
‘But the kids like McDonald’s so it’s hard’
If parents think a treat is to feed their loved ones a load of refined sugar and fat, then I’d hate to see what they do to punish them
‘But it’s different for me because…I know it all already’
Even the Experts have Buts!
‘But I don’t really need to change as…I’m only a little overweight’
‘But I’m fed up with having to conform…big is beautiful and I’m fat and happy’
Fat is Not Attractive
They say personality goes a long way, but in some cases it can never stretch that far!
If people genuinely thought being overweight was a good thing then they would actively encourage their children to overeat and get fat, but if you ask any parent if they want their child to be slim or fat, they opt for slim every time
‘But It’s All Down to the Magazines’
‘But I have an injury so…I can’t exercise’
‘But you’ve got to live…you could get run over by a bus next week’
This excuse, like all of the others, is total rubbish
‘But I can’t because…I’m too old’
The truth is that if you believe you’re too old then you’re right, and if you believe you’re not too old you’re also right
It’s not about your chronological age, it’s about your mental age, i.e. how youthful you are in the mind and how much zest and spirit you have for life
You cannot possibly let your thoughts of what other people may think of you dictate how you live your life
‘But I’ve tried juicing and…it’s such a hassle!’
Once again, it’s all about priorities, and anyone can easily find the time to juice if they want
Juicing can be super fast – if you know what you are doing
‘But it’s hard for me because…I’m on the road all the time!’
‘But I can’t even start because…I don’t have the energy’
The irony is that the lack of physical movement is a major cause of lethargy
Slim Chance
It’s sad that most people will get excited about money but very rarely about their health, yet without health, without the confidence that a vibrant and trim body gives you, as I’ve already pointed out – you’re poor
‘But what’s the point…I’ll never look like Jennifer Aniston’
‘But I don’t need to change because…compared with most I’m doing OK’
Feel Like an Instant Success – Hang Around with Losers!
That’s a Bit OFF!
‘Where’s My BUT?’
The general rule I have found is the more ‘buts’ a person comes up with, the bigger the butt they tend to have, and the more unfulfilled their life tends to be
‘But My Story Is Different’
Everyone has had ‘shit’ happen to them, and virtually everyone you meet will tell you that they didn’t have an idyllic childhood
It’s NOT what happens to you but what you do with what happens to you that shapes your future
Lance Armstrong’s Story
Michael Watson’s Story
Pain Is Temporary – Quitting Lasts Forever
It’s not the hand you are dealt, it’s how you play it
So What’s Your Story?
The only way to move forwards is to finally let go and allow yourself the opportunity to excel
You also have very little chance of losing or reshaping that butt unless you get off it!
Get Moving
Still Me, Active You
Movement is like a muscle. Use it or lose it!
Finding the Right Exercise for You
Get Real
Television, the drug of the nation, breeding ignorance and feeding radiation, on television
Widescreen Humans
Total Vegetable
Box Culture
In Britain we watch an average of 28 hours of TV every week
Life is just too short and too precious to spend such a huge chunk of it staring aimlessly in front of a small box beaming flashing images at you
Internet Junkies
What on Earth Did You Do?
So what on Earth are you doing? So what on Earth do you want to do?
Ditch the Diets
Dieting is Mental – in Every Sense of the Word
If you do not feel mentally deprived you are not on a diet. If you do-you are!
When you change your way of eating, you have changed your diet. When you feel deprived because of it, you are on a diet
Why Feel Deprived?
The Can’t Syndrome
Constant And Never-ending Tantrum
Either have whatever it is you believe you want and Shut Up. or Don’t have it and Shut Up …but whatever you do SHUT UP!
Focus on what you have the opportunity to have, not what you think you can’t have
Live Aid…for Those Who Were Lucky
Gut Feeling
All we need to do is trust our own instincts and eat the vast majority of foods which our ‘gut’ tells us is good for us when we feel genuinely physically hungry
Liquid Engineering for Your Body
When it comes to optimum nutrition, the body’s ability to extract the juice from the fibres of natural food is of paramount importance
Get Juicing!
Let Juice Be Thy Medicine
The best way to beat cancer is not to poison the body further, but by feeding it the right nutrients
If Hippocrates were alive today and wanted to open an organic fruit and veg shop with his slogan ‘let food be thy medicine’, he would probably be fined or closed down
And That’s Magic!
All in Good Taste
If you think you’ve tasted pineapple juice because you’ve had some from a bottle, you are in for one hell of a treat when you make it yourself
This doesn’t mean that steamed vegetables aren’t good, but ‘live’ nutrition in a liquid form has the highest enzyme content
Why Juicing Provides Raw Energy
All of Nature’s foods have been more or less pre-digested by the plant, and all contain digestive enzymes, leaving the body very little work to do
We are Full of Shit-Literally!
Weight off Your Mind
It’s not about completing a triathlon or marathon – It’s about having the physical and mental vibrancy to tackle any of life’s challenges with much greater ease
You Cannot Live on Juice Alone
The Seven Deadly Dietary Sins
1. Refined Sugar: the Cocaine of the Food World
Refined sugars and carbohydrates are not food!
Your Insulin Bank Account
Double Whammy
The Sugar Illusion
All other creatures on the planet get their sugars only from the natural foods they eat. Refined sugar just doesn’t exist in the wild
2. Refined Fats
Understanding is Child’s Play
Not Worth a Sausage
Saturated with Lies
3. Alcohol
Alcohol is Not Good for You!
ALCOHOL SHRINKS THE BRAIN! Alcohol Came First – Kebabs Second!
You Don’t Drink! But How Do You Live?
Alcohol is the only drug on the planet that you have to justify not taking
4. Artificial Sweeteners
Sweet Fat Lies
It’s a No-brainer
5. Caffeine
The Age-old Story
Are You Taking the Pee?
Another Weighty Problem
Easy to Kick It
6. Salt
Over 220,000 TONS OF SALT are added to all sorts of processed food every year in the UK ALONE
7. Dairy Products
Open Your Mind
Cows Don’t Drink Milk – So Why Do We?
But What About My Calcium?
Casein Versus Calcium
Alive and Kicking
Common ‘Foods’ and ‘Drinks’ to Avoid from the Seven Deadly Dietary Sins
Smokers Are Not Stupid!
Stopping Smoking Can Be Very Easy!
The Six Essential Dietary Needs
1. Protein
Cows Don’t Have Barbeques!
Amino Acids – the Building Blocks of Protein
Getting a Healthy Balance
Best Protein Sources
2. Fat
Fat Lot of Good
Signs of Essential Fats Deficiency
GOOD FATS Don’t Make You Fat!
Best Sources of Essential Fatty Acids
3. Carbohydrate
It’s Not All Black and White – More Brown and White
Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread…Or Not Perhaps!
Best Sources of Carbohydrate in Order
4. Water
Water on Tap – or Perhaps Not
5. Vitamins
Overdosing on synthetic vitamins has even caused deaths!
6. Minerals
You need to get as many minerals as possible from the foods and juices you consume. It is much easier for the body to absorb minerals from food and freshly extracted juices than it is from a pill
Minerals are very stable, but can be lost through cooking, so juicing is ideal. Common Foods Which Fit into the Six Essential Dietary Human Needs
Seeing Is Believing
Remember, this is a 14-day programme designed to create momentum for life. I fully believe that anyone can do anything for 14 days – if they are committed!
The Turbo-charge Your Life in 14 Days Programme. Those Who Fail to Prepare – Prepare to Fail
What You Will Need for the Next 14 Days – and Beyond!
The Rules for the Next 14 Days
Ask Yourself the Following Questions on Waking
Things to Know before You Start
Stay 100 per cent focused and do whatever it takes to complete the 14 days
Days 1 to 5 (Monday to Friday)
After Work – Late Afternoon/Early Evening
Days 6 and 7 (Saturday and Sunday)
Lunch Options
Late Afternoon/Early Evening
Dinner Options
Days 8 to 12 (Monday to Friday)
Day 13 (Saturday)
Day 14 (Sunday)
Keeping it Real After the Programme
It’s What You Do Most of the Time that Determines Your Health
Airport Day
Give the Body More Credit
Ten Simple Rules for Permanent, Healthy Weight Loss
The Juice Master’s 10 Commandments
Juices & Power Smoothies*
The Juice Master’s. Turbo-charge Smoothie
The Juice Master’s. Green Power Smoothie
The Juice Master’s. Ultimate Smoothie
The Juice Master’s Mean, Green Wake-up Machine
Green Means Go
The Juice Master’s. Turbo-charge Weekend Breakfast Smoothie
Salad in a Glass
Nerve Calmer
The Juice Master’s Fruit Salad
Cranberry Delight
The Juice Master’s. Energy Boost
Midday Melon juice
The Juice Master’s. Breath of Fresh Air
The Juice Master’s. Morning Reviver
The Juice Master’s. Sunrise
Power. Salads
Green Salad with Mustard Dressing
Brown Rice Salad
The Juice Master’s. Turbo Salad
Why it’s Sooooo Good!
The Juice Master’s. Turbo Salad
Why it’s Sooooo Good!
Avocado and Tofu Salad
Grilled Vegetable Salad
Souper. Stuff
Squash soup
Green Veggie Power Soup
Carrot, Orange and Coriander. Soup
Watercress and Baby Leek. Soup
Courgette and Dill soup
Power. Lunches
The Juice Master’s. Turbo-power Sandwich
Chicken and Vegetable wraps
Jasey’s. Veggie Sushi Rolls
Hemp/Spelt Pasta with Basil and. Tangy Lemon and Lime Sauce
The Juice Master’s. Power Pittas
The Juice Master’s. Protein Snack Attack
Herby Stuffed Peppers
The Juice Master’s. Homemade Houmous with Pitta
Let’s Do. Dinner
Thyme for Tuna
Oven-steamed Chicken and Vegetables
Honey-glazed Vegetables
Jasey’s. Fish Kebabs with Pineapple and Steamed Veggies
Rice with Red Lentils
The Juice Master’s. Fish ‘n’ Chips
Juicy Stir-fried. Monkfish ‘n’ Veggie Special
Steam Cuisine. Salmon with Vegetable Courgette
Foiled Fish
Salsa Salmon
Citrus Snapper
Roasted Aubergine Dip
Great Guacamole
Butter Dip
Jasey’s Sassy Salsa
How to Make a Juice – Fast
Loved Turbo-Charge Your Life in 14 Days?Try Jason’s other eBooks for more delicious, simple recipes, rules for success and inspiration
About the Author
About the Publisher
Отрывок из книги
When I first wrote this book I was hoping that it would successfully inspire people to much better health and an improved lifestyle. However, I had no idea just how much difference it would make to so many people. I now receive many hundreds of emails and letters every week from people all over the world who have read the book, completed the programme and made unbelievable changes to their body shape, health and life.
Here are just a few genuine letters from the ever growing postbag – I hope, like the book itself, that they inspire you to an incredible life change.
I realize that in some cases people saying to you out loud ‘you fat bastard’ isn’t exactly useful, and could have you locking yourself in a room with half a hundred weight of cake and ice cream in order to ‘comfort’ yourself. However, if you are constantly being real about the situation, and if you no longer hide behind things like ‘I’m just a tad tubby’ or avoid looking in the mirror, then your brain will feel more and more frustrated about the current situation and try to do something about it.
When I was at school I was nicknamed ‘Fatty Vale’, and every day I would get picked on for being overweight. My mother and all the people who cared about me said things like, ‘It’s just a bit of puppy fat’, and ‘You’re not fat, just a little tubby’, but with children you get the truth. They tell it as it really is and, yes, I was indeed ‘Fatty Vale’. This constant barrage of verbal abuse led me to go from Fatty Vale who couldn’t run a bath and was always last at cross-country to a person who just 12 weeks later was Slim Vale who not only finished the cross-country course on time, but even broke the school record for that distance!