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Writing this book involved help from a number of people. Some who consciously participated; others did so unconsciously well after their demise.

First, those who consciously helped with the writing will be acknowledged. Ronnie McDaniel, Danville, Illinois, is acknowledged for his copy editing and other suggestions that improved the manuscript. (I was so fortunate to have the assistance of this long-experienced and highly qualified individual.) Three individuals are acknowledged for assistance in reviewing the manuscript: Jacqueline Frost Tisdale, Starkville, Mississippi (she grew up in Clinton); Wally Warren, Clarkesville, Georgia; and Morgan Anglin, Georgia College and State University, Milledgeville. The assistance of genealogist Anne Vanderleest, Brandon, Mississippi, in researching remote family history and being available to clarify situations is acknowledged.

Secondly, those who unconsciously helped by storing and otherwise retaining letters, legal documents, business receipts, and other papers is gratefully acknowledged. Without these documents, the book would have been impossible. The most important individual in this regard was Ellen Loretta Shepard Lee, the main character in the book. Others include George W. Shepard, Ira J. Lee, Doris Sloan Lee, and J. Henry Lee. Amazingly, the old trunk holding the treasure-trove of information was spared from being thrown away a number of times.

Thank you to all family and friends who encouraged me with this undertaking. A special thank you goes to my wife, Delene, for her patience and help by reading manuscript to assure the story was as it should be.

Special Acknowledgment

A special acknowledgment goes to Ellen Miller Gabardi for her assistance with the image on the cover, entitled Old Home Place (referred to in the book as the Shepard Home). The artist, Ginny Futvoye, is acknowledged for creating a wonderful memory. The painting was prepared in oil on wood. A side note is that Ellen Miller Gabardi is the Great Great Granddaughter of Ellen Loretta Shepard.

Return to Tinnin

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