Читать книгу Future Proofing You - Jay Samit - Страница 2


Table of Contents


Title Page




Introduction How Do You Go about Future Proofing You?

PART I: The Twelve Truths 1 The Growth Mindset Truth #1 – You Must Have a Growth Mindset How Do So Many Fail in a Land So Rich with Opportunity? Job Security Is a Myth Wealth Comes from Creating Money, Not Earning and Saving It Fostering a Growth Mindset Six Techniques for Developing a Growth Mindset Notes 1.5 The Future Proofing You Experiment Rules for the Future Proofing You Experiment Finding a Mentee 2 Leveraging Obstacles for Success Truth #2 – Obstacles Are Opportunities in Disguise Finding Problems to Solve Seven Steps for Problem Solving What Problem Was Vin Clancy Going to Solve? Vin's Million‐Dollar Idea Notes 3 Harnessing Fear to Your Advantage Truth #3 – Fear Is Good Fear Inaction More than Action Overcoming the Fear of No Funding Overcoming the Fear of Going Broke Proven Technique for Tackling Doubt Harnessing the Three Primary Fears of Others Notes 4 Embracing Failure as Part of the Journey Truth #4 – Failure Is Great Four Approaches to Embrace Failure Reducing Your Chances of Failing Notes 5 Igniting Your Superpower by Applying What Makes You Unique Truth #5 – Your Unique Superpower Makes You Successful Identifying Your Kryptonite Notes 6 Turning Perseverance into Passion Truth #6 – Passion Makes You Unstoppable Four Questions for Cultivating Passion Six Techniques for Maintaining Passion Notes 7 Don't Fly Solo: Finding the Right Mentor for Each Phase of Your Career Truth #7 – You Can't Go It Alone Three Ways to Find a Mentor Using LinkedIn Building a Network of Mentors Finding a Partner Using Mentorship to Build Your Team Upscaling Your Team Notes 8 Everything Is a Tech Startup. Yes, Everything! Truth #8 – Everything Is a Tech Startup Time Management Is a Competitive Edge Three Tips for Increasing Productivity in a Digital World Vin's Top 22 Growth‐Hacking Tools Notes 9 Filling the Void Truth #9 – You Must Fill a Void Mortar and Use Case Voids Cross‐Pollination 30‐Day Challenge Revisited New Technology Solves Old Problems Find Voids Others Are Too Busy to Fill Vin's Void Vanishes Notes 10 The Trillion‐Dollar Opportunity Mobile Is Going Spatial Truth #10 – Spatial Reality Is a Trillion‐Dollar Opportunity The M.O.V.E. Method Notes 11 Working Hard Doesn't Make You Rich Truth #11 – Working Hard Doesn't Make You Rich; Working Smart Does Deal Structure Raising Capital Reinvesting Profits Notes 12 Remote Workers Are Your New Competitive Advantage Truth #12 – Remote Workers Are Your New Competitive Advantage Benefits of Employees Working from Home Five Techniques for Managing Remote Workers Notes

PART II: Future Proofing Your Business 13 Using Mergers and Acquisitions for Future Proofing You The Art of the Exit Why Large Companies Acquire Small Companies Getting an Offer Notes 14 Fulfilling the Need for Profitable Sustainability Sustainable Capitalism Purpose‐Driven Profits The Sharing Economy Four Questions for Creating Sustainability Notes 15 Pay It Forward Notes

Epilogue – Vin's Reflections

10  About the Author

11  Acknowledgments

12  Index

13  End User License Agreement


Cover Page

Table of Contents

Begin Reading











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Future Proofing You

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