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Thirteenth Chapter


“Have you completely lost your mind, Matthew? I’ve been home for the entire weekend and you wait until this morning to tell me the sad tale of a transient that Madison and Grandpa rescued. Then minutes before I leave for school, you lay it on me that he’s being released tomorrow, and you’ve offered to let him move into the guesthouse. Great timing.”

Mom tucked the last of her papers into her laptop case and zipped it shut. I was standing in the hall, next to my parent’s bedroom. The door was partly closed but my mother’s words couldn’t have been any clearer if I’d been sitting on her lap. Dad and I had agreed it would be better if he approached Mom and let her think Operation Oil Can was his idea. Maybe it was a mistake. Nevertheless, I edged closer and peeked into the battleground.

Mom was pacing like a crazy woman from a black and white movie. “Let me get this straight. You want to bring this New Age Hobo, as you so lovingly describe him, to live at our house?” Her voice raised another octave. “He’s a derelict, Matthew!” It sounded like bullets were flying out of her mouth.

Dad stuck his hands in front of his face. “I don’t know where you get such ideas. You haven’t even met him. He’s not a derelict. He’s just a guy that’s been down on his luck. He’s going to restore the Vette, Hon. That’s all.”

“Don’t you Hon me. I’ve been waiting for you to restore that car for as long as I can remember.” Mom’s hands were plastered on her hips. “I don’t believe it. Instead of ordering a tow truck and moving that heap out, you’re moving a derelict in!”

“Look, Liz. I’m not moving anyone in without your agreeing to it. You’re a sensible woman, but you don’t know anything about him. Please, hear me out.”

Mom’s shoulders dropped and her eyes narrowed. My father is known to be a diplomat. I used to think that meant he worked for the president and we would all get to go to Europe or some really neat place. But now I know it just means he can calm nutty people down. He gets lots of practice with my mom.

“I’ll tell you what I know, Matthew.” Mom started the finger counting thing. “Number one” She stuck her forefinger up. “Madison and Grandpa found him which is a very bad omen. Number two. Madison’s been visiting him in the hospital and thinks she’s found her latest rescue project. Number three,” she said without taking a breath, “she undoubtedly put you up to this. And number four, she’s standing in the hall.” She pressed her fingers against her temples. “Madison, get in here!”

Dad sat down on the chaise lounge, and I slid in next to him. Mom paced a few seconds before she perched herself on the edge of the bed and crossed her arms.

“Can I say something?” I asked. Dad raised his eyebrows. Mom just stared at me.

“Look, Mom. I admit it. Fixing the car was my idea. I know how much it bugs you, and all my life I’ve heard Dad talk about restoring it. It’s his dream. So, I just thought fixing it would make you both of you happy.” I smiled. “Dad told me that Vette is what got him his first date with you.”

Mom let out a sigh and looked out the window. Then her gaze shifted back to Dad.

He grinned. “That’s right, Liz. Remember? Listen, I’ve checked Oil Can out thoroughly. You know the hospital routinely runs tests for drug or alcohol abuse. He’s clean. Relax. I’m not a man that takes foolish risks.”

“That’s fine, Matthew. But tell me. Just how does one go about doing a background check on a bum named Oil Can?”

“Medical records. He has a social security number and while it might be hard to believe, he has a rather stable employment history over the last twenty years. He worked at a convent and school in Memphis from 1985 to 1995. He was a janitor, but there’s no disgrace in that.”

“How touching. And why did he quit? Or was he fired?”

“Neither. The school had to close. Lack of funds. Seems he’s been working odd jobs at gas stations off and on since then.”

“Have you personally talked with any of his so called employers?”

“Actually, I did get a hold of one. Worked for a Texaco station in Little Rock for nearly a year. Even rented a room from the owner’s mother. Never a problem. Then I had Bill Hardy run a police check. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. In fact, Grandpa’s going to take him out to Earl’s to see if he can line up some part time work. He’s safe Liz. Just needs some help to get redirected.”

Mom glanced at her watch and picked up her purse and her laptop. “It’s two o’clock. I have to leave. It’s a three-hour drive on the weekend. At least it will give me some time alone to think things over. I’ll call you when I get to campus.”

Mom shook her head and left. I gave Dad a thumbs up. “Good work, Dad.”

Another Song For Me

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