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The double lift—that is to say, the lifting of two cards as one—is one of the most useful of modern card sleights. Many methods have been devised but all of them entail a certain preliminary movement for the purpose of getting ready, or “set,” for the sleight, and this movement must be covered by misdirection.

The ideal double lift is the simple pushing off of two cards, as one, with the left thumb in exactly the same manner as in dealing, and such a method is given elsewhere. The following method, however, is the nearest approach to such perfection which can be had by purely mechanical means. A preliminary “get-ready” movement is still necessary but the gesture covering it is so casual and natural that the keenest eye cannot detect it and the practice necessary to master the sleight is negligible in comparison with its value. This method, hitherto unknown to the fraternity, represents the very finest handling, enabling the operator to lift two cards as one in such a wholly natural manner that even the most skeptical of spectators finds nothing suspicious in the procedure.

Expert Card Technique

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