Читать книгу Expert Card Technique - Jean Hugard - Страница 89



This audacious method of sighting a card can be very useful. Let us assume that a chosen card lies second from the top and that you wish to learn its name. Here is the procedure:

1. Hold the pack in the left hand as for dealing and insert the little finger under the first two cards.

2. Immediately push off the top card with the left thumb, turn it face upwards and square it with the second card.

3. Grasp the two cards, at the ends, between the right thumb and second finger, the first finger resting lightly on the face of the face-up card; the left little finger, having retained the break up to this point, facilitates the action.

4. Lift the two cards into a vertical position as you make any apropos comment concerning the exposed card. Figure 1 shows the action from the conjurer’s viewpoint, the five of clubs being the card he will secretly sight. This card should be sighted without focusing the gaze upon it. To acquire this useful knack, take cards one by one and holds them face inwards, focusing the gaze an inch or two to the left of the card. It will be found that a recognizable image of the card will register in the “corner of the eye.” This useful dodge prevents the spectators from noting that the operator’s gaze has strayed to the card, thus betraying the subterfuge.

5. Replace the two cards squarely upon the pack, then lift the face-up card only into a vertical position, precisely as in the first instance, release the thumb at its end, causing the card to snap outward, face down, and held by the right first and second finger tips.

6. Replace the card, face down, at the top of the pack.

Expert Card Technique

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