Читать книгу The Bounty Hunter's Forbidden Desire - Jean Pichon Thomas - Страница 12


Chapter 3

Like most motels, there was little to distinguish it. Clean and impersonal. And, as promised, just one bed.

Chase had brought his athletic bag in from the car. A wary Haley watched him place it on the desk chair, open it and remove a tube of toothpaste and an unopened toothbrush.

“Here,” he said, holding them out to her.

She hesitated to accept them.

“Go on, take them. I have a spare toothbrush for me.”

“Thank you,” she murmured coolly, taking the two items.

She watched him cross to the bathroom and spread the door wide, his hand reaching around the jamb for the light switch. He looked inside without going in. He’s checking to make sure I can’t get out.

He must have been satisfied, because he stepped to one side, sweeping a hand in the direction of the open doorway. “You take it first.”

Chase could have given her a little more room to enter—but he didn’t. The man knew that any contact with him, even a slight one, made her nervous.

“And don’t lock the door behind you,” he called after her. “Unless you want me busting in there on you.”


Even if she’d wanted to escape, Haley realized she couldn’t have managed it. The solitary frosted window was too high and too small. She used the toilet, cleaned up at the sink and brushed her teeth.

When she emerged from the bathroom, he was seated on the edge of the bed. “Join me,” he said, patting the spread on his side. “Come on. You’re safe.”

She wasn’t so sure of that, but she didn’t want him to think she was afraid of him. Nervous, yes, but not afraid. She sauntered over to the bed. He’d left room for her between himself and the railed footboard. She perched on the spot, making sure to leave several inches between them.

“I have a little job for you,” he said before she could ask him why he wanted her sitting here. “Something to keep you occupied while I take my own turn in the john.”

That’s when she noticed he had the plastic sack she’d brought in from the car. Turning it upside down between them, he dumped its mystery contents out on the spread.

“I’m afraid it’s the only supper we get. You get to divide it out for us.”

This was the explanation for his long absence in the motel office. There must have been snack and soda machines in there. It looked as if he’d bought at least two of everything.

“And while you divide and I visit the john...”

The hateful handcuffs, of course. She should have realized he wouldn’t leave her alone in here without cuffing her to something. In this case, it was the footboard rail, leaving her with one hand to divide the haul and the other hand secured and useless.

She was half-afraid that when Chase reappeared a little later, he would be stripped down to his underwear, ready for bed. Or something more extreme. Because there was the possibility he was in the habit of sleeping in the raw, in which case... Well, in other circumstances, that might have been an interesting, even enjoyable spectacle. But not in her current situation, even if she still didn’t feel afraid of sharing a room with a stranger.

As it was, she needn’t have been concerned. He was fully dressed when he walked out of the bathroom. And eager.

“Time to eat!”

Haley rattled the handcuffs. “Do I rate both hands for that?”

“You do.”

He unlocked the cuffs from her wrist and the rail, pocketing them along with the key. Together, they carried their separate piles of food to a table beside the front window, seating themselves in chairs across from each other.

“Not exactly a nutritious meal,” Chase apologized, “but it’s the best the chef could manage.”

The machines he’d taken advantage of in the motel office had provided packaged crackers filled with cheese and peanut butter, nuts, chocolate bars and cans of cold soda.

“I was thinking,” Haley said, biting into one of the cheese crackers, “that since there’s only the one bed, and since you need the rest more than I do, why don’t I curl up in the easy chair there?”

His slow reply couldn’t have been more wry if he’d rehearsed it beforehand. “Now that’s a plan.”

“You didn’t let me finish. Naturally, you aren’t going to just turn me loose.”

“Naturally. How do you recommend we handle that?”

“You can handcuff me to the pole of the floor lamp.”

“Right. Problem with that is, I can see you walking out of here in the middle of the night dragging the floor lamp with you. Maybe even managing to flag down a lift from a truck going south on the freeway. Bet you could even invent a believable story for the driver just why you happen to be attached to a lamp.”

She adopted an injured tone. “I was only thinking of your comfort.”

“And I’m touched by that. But this is how it’s going to be, Haley. You’re going to be attached to me, my right wrist to your left. Both of us flat on the bed side by side, not under the covers but safely on top of them. Hope you can sleep on your back. What do you think?”

“You don’t want to know.”

“Hey, if you’re worried about seduction, you can relax. Any other time I’d be happy to oblige, but tonight all I’m interested in are some hours of solid sleep. The only thing we’ll be removing are our shoes.”

She might have believed him...if his gaze wasn’t fastened on her mouth as if he’d like to own it before he took possession of a few other areas of her body. And to her surprise, she realized she might not mind.

* * *

As it turned out, Haley couldn’t accuse him of not behaving himself. He fell instantly and deeply asleep and remained that way. She, on the other hand, didn’t behave herself. Not emotionally, anyway.

She wasn’t happy with herself for the way she was letting him affect her. His necessary nearness to her on the bed had her far too aware of the disturbing heat of his hard body. Conscious, too, of the distinctive, masculine scent of him.

Not happy, no.

Haley didn’t expect to sleep at all. She kept picturing what she had discovered when he’d leaned toward her during the latest cuffing. He had a small scar on the outside corner of his right eye. Funny she hadn’t noticed it before then.

She could see it now just by turning her head in his direction. It was a roguish thing, the kind of souvenir a scoundrel would get in a duel.

What is wrong with you? You’ve been reading too many pirate novels.

This was ridiculous. She turned her head away from the tempting sight of him, shut her eyes and willed herself to relax. It took a while, but eventually she drifted off.

Haley had no idea how long she slept, but when she came awake, the first thing she did was check on her captor. He was still hard asleep, breathing softly. Without any evidence of snoring, she was pleased to note. The lamp on his bedside table continued to burn.

What time was it, anyway? She glanced at the watch on her unrestrained right wrist. It was probably an hour or so until sunup. She’d slept longer than she had imagined.

If it hadn’t been for that breathing, the rhythmic, slow rise and fall of his broad chest, she might have thought he had died on her in the night. Because there was no sign he had moved so much as an inch either way since he had stretched out beside her. How did he do that? Eerie. As far as she knew, Chase McKinley was legitimate. And unless she gave him any real grief, she didn’t think he was a danger to her. All the same, her resolve to get away from him was stronger than ever. And if by some miracle that chance should present itself again, this time she’d need to be smarter about it.

What did she need most of all? Money. She’d have to get her hands on some cash if she were to get back to Portland and the people she could count on to help her out of this mess.

Money, she realized, that was waiting for her on his bedside table.

Chase had locked her purse, containing her wallet and cell phone, inside the SUV, placing it far out of her reach. But his own wallet, which he’d removed from his back jeans pocket, presumably because it would have been uncomfortable to sleep on, he’d placed on the edge of his bedside table.

What’s more, the handcuff key was inside the change section of that wallet. She had watched him tuck it there.

Had she any prayer of getting the wallet without disturbing him? It wasn’t very likely, but nothing ventured...

Concentration. She would have to exercise extreme concentration, starting now. Her first step was to lie there quietly while she formed a plan. By necessity, it had to be a rough, simple plan.

She began by willing her left arm to go limp, absolutely motionless, as if it were no longer a part of her body. Only this way could she prevent the wrist of that arm from tugging in the slightest fashion on the cuffs, a fatal action that would be almost certain to rouse Chase.

This achieved, and bracing herself with her right elbow, Haley slowly elevated her body from the waist up. She was satisfied when she was sitting without having stirred any part of her lower body.

Now comes the hard stuff.

In slow, patient degrees, she twisted herself in Chase’s direction until she was facing the wallet. Could she manage this next challenge, leaning over his body while stretching her right arm out far enough to snag the wallet?

All, she reminded herself, without the use of her left arm to prop herself in place. Even though that arm had been available, there was such strain on it from holding it steady, it had gone to sleep. Like it was no longer her own limb.

What Haley needed right now was the skill of a contortionist. The best she could do was to will herself across the gulf with a combination of balance and strain. Out went her right arm, reaching, reaching.

Contact. Her forefinger on the surface of the wallet. Applying pressure, she was able to drag the wallet toward her just far enough to capture it with both forefinger and thumb. Holding her breath, she lifted it off the night table and drew it slowly, carefully toward her.

Apparently not carefully enough. She watched in horror as it slipped and landed on his waistline. She expected him to surge up off the bed, yanking on the chain between them. To her relief, there was nothing from him but a low grunt. He didn’t move, didn’t open his eyes. He was still asleep.

She waited a few seconds before plucking it off him and dropping it into her lap. Victory! She could breathe again. Her fingers were trembling now, which was why, when she parted the wallet, it fell open not to money or the handcuff key but a photograph in a clear plastic sleeve.

Haley wasn’t interested. She was ready to move on when something about the picture captured her attention. The photo showed two boys, one a teenager and the other much younger. Although the two of them were looking out at the camera with almost identical grins, it was not a posed shot. It must have been taken in midaction, with the teen just having boosted the younger boy up on a horse, where he was helping him to stay firm in the saddle.

Funny how the picture seemed to tell a story. Even odder was that it should mean something to her at all. Like, for instance, what? Haley took long seconds she couldn’t afford to examine it more closely. First of all, she could tell these two kids were related. But although they resembled each other strongly enough at that stage, the resemblance hadn’t followed them into full adulthood.

Wait a minute. How did she know that?

The explanation struck her all at once. There was just enough of a slight likeness remaining, maybe in their similar grins, to tell her why Chase McKinley should have seemed familiar to her from the beginning.

The man beside her and Josh Matthews, the man she’d dated before he left Portland, were brothers. She didn’t know how she could be certain when their surnames were different, but she was sure of it.

An unrestrained hand reached out and snatched the wallet away from her.

He was awake, was he? Good!

“Get these handcuffs off me, you son of a—”

She was so angry she choked on the rest.

* * *

Son of a bitch was right, Chase thought. He’d messed up by placing his wallet where he had thought she couldn’t possibly get at it. He had forgotten, too, that the snapshot was in there.

The mistake with the wallet, although bad enough, was nothing by itself. This whole effort was a disaster. He hadn’t been thinking clearly when he’d taken her. Crazy of him. On the other hand, it had seemed the only way to get the truth out of her. She was all he had, and now he’d blown his cover.

She rattled the handcuffs binding them.

“Take these cuffs off of me before I shout the motel down!”

Since there didn’t seem to be any wisdom in hesitation, Chase got the key out of his wallet and removed the bracelets. She couldn’t thrust herself away from him fast enough. Springing feetfirst off the bed, she whirled around to confront him, her blue eyes sparking with fire.

“I want answers, and I want them fast!”

“Hey, take it easy.”

“Do I get my answers, or do I go to the office and ask them to call the cops?”

“Look, you’ll get your answers, but don’t you think they might wait long enough for us to take turns in the bathroom? I don’t know about you, but, uh, I could use the facilities.”

Eyes narrowed at him suspiciously, she seemed to think about it a minute before deciding. “All right, but make it quick.”

Quick was exactly what Chase needed. Flushing the toilet afterwards, he washed his hands at the sink, splashed cold water on his face and was drying himself when he glimpsed his reflection in the mirror. Jeez, he looked like hell, bleary-eyed, unshaven, clothes rumpled from a night of sleep.

She was waiting for him when he emerged. “You took your time,” she grumbled.

She had a comb in her hand. As a matter of fact, it was his comb. She held it up. “I helped myself to this in your bag. Hope you don’t mind.”

“Oh, sure, why not? Come to think of it, there’s some shaving cream in there you might like.”

She sailed by him into the bathroom, rounding on him just before she shut the door behind her. “You will be here when I come out, won’t you?”

Now that was funny, considering that until a short while ago, this was exactly the kind of question he would have been asking her. But then she no longer had a reason to escape.

Chase was ready to handle her when she came out of the bathroom. Or maybe not. He knew he looked crappy. She looked great. His comb had done wonders for that mass of dark hair. And although she might figure she could benefit from makeup, he felt her beauty was natural enough not to need it.

That face of hers was the kind a man yearned to—

Don’t go there, McKinley. This is no time for getting all worked up.

He’d left their room long enough to bring her purse from the car, passing it to her now in hopes she would regard it as a peace offering. Apparently not. She swiped it out of his hand without a word of thanks.

Damn, she was still mad as blazes.

“Your cell is there in your purse,” Chase assured her.

“Do I make my calls right now, or wait until after you talk?”

“I’m going to explain everything to you, I promise, but could we—”

“Are you going to start stalling again?”

“Hell, no, I’m— Well, yeah, I am, kind of. But, look, can’t we do this over breakfast? Haley, I’m starving. There’s a diner next door already open and serving. What do you say?”

It took Chase some time to convince her, but he finally had them in a corner of the diner seated across from each other in a booth where they could talk in privacy. She was ready to listen, calmer by then. To a degree.

Haley waited until the waitress poured coffee and retreated with their orders to accuse him. “You’re not what you say you are, and there is no legal order for my apprehension, is there?”


“And which half is that?”

“I am a licensed recovery agent. The ID I showed you is genuine.”

“Which makes the apprehension order a forgery.”

“Afraid so,” he admitted solemnly.

“Why? What is this all about?”

“It’s a little...complicated.”

“Uncomplicate it for me. There are a couple of things I need to know. We’ve established what you are. What we haven’t settled is who you are.”

Chase nodded, understanding her confusion. “The photo in my wallet. You’re wondering why Josh is a Matthews and I’m a McKinley. We’re half brothers.”

“Mmm, I kind of thought that might be the case. You look alike.”

“What else? You said there were a couple of things.”

As if fortifying herself, she brought her coffee mug to those beguiling lips of hers. He watched her swallow the brew, following it down that perfect throat.

“Yes, the second thing,” she said, lowering the mug. “About what you’re going to tell me... I want to know right now if I have a reason to think I’m being involved in something I’ll have to worry about just by hearing it. Of course,” she added quickly before Chase could reply, “you could lie about it. You did before. Only then I didn’t have a choice about going with you.”

“And now?”

“Now if I decide you’re not telling me the truth, I’m going to get up from this booth and walk out of here.”

“Then I hope this time you’ll believe me, because I need your help. No risk to you.” It was true—he had no reason to think she was in any personal danger.

There was no denying she was suspicious of him and his motives. Who could blame her? He could tell that by the way she gazed at him silently and how her fingertips beat a slow tattoo on the edge of the table before she made up her mind.

“All right, let’s hear what you have to say. Just what is this help you need from me?”

“Josh is missing.”

Her blue eyes widened. “Says who?”

“I do.” He bent toward her. “Look, you know Josh is a freelance investigative journalist. I know you know because no one could spend any time with him and not learn that. He would have talked your head off about it.”

Haley nodded. “He did.”

“I bet he also told you that for years he’s been looking for the big story that will make his reputation.”

“He mentioned it.”

She’s being cagey, Chase thought. Unwilling to give me more until she hears just what I have to say.

“Some weeks back,” he said, “Josh emailed me that he’d found that story. He was excited as hell about it, but he didn’t share any details. He would, eventually—but he always kept it to himself until the words poured out on the page. All he told me was that he’d be gone for a while. Not where or for how long. Not even the subject of the story. Just that he was following a trail, but he’d keep in touch.”

“Only he didn’t.” She was perceptive.

“I haven’t heard from him in all the weeks he’s been gone. Not a single word. When I started to worry seriously, I tried to reach him on his cell. No response.”

“Did you stop to consider he could be out of the country? Maybe in some remote area where there’s no reliable service.”

Chase shook his head. “Believe me, I thought of all the possibilities. No, something is definitely wrong. I can feel it.”

“And that qualifies as missing?”

Before he could answer her, the waitress arrived with a tray. There was the delay of the soft-spoken young woman setting out their orders—fresh grapefruit and steaming oatmeal for Haley, bacon and pancakes drenched in melting butter and maple syrup for Chase.

Before she went away, the girl poured more coffee into their mugs, leaving him aware that Haley was staring at his plate. “I don’t know how you all do it,” she said, making a face.


“Men. Well, most of the men I know, anyway. You eat all those calories and don’t gain an ounce. We women add pounds just looking at it. I’m surprised you didn’t ask the waitress to add a glazed doughnut to your order.”

“I might get around to that yet,” he said, tucking into his breakfast.

She waited until he’d put away a couple of slices of bacon and half of one of his pancakes before reminding him, “You still owe me an answer.”

He cleared his mouth. “Hell, yeah, I think he’s missing.”

“And you think I can help you? Why? Why would you suppose I might have information you yourself don’t have?”

“Why not? Why wouldn’t Josh have shared his plans with you? Isn’t that what lovers do?”

The Bounty Hunter's Forbidden Desire

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