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Applying Unary Operators


By definition, a unary operator is one that requires exactly one operand, or variable, to function. As shown in Table 2.2, they often perform simple tasks, such as increasing a numeric variable by one or negating a boolean value.

TABLE 2.2 Unary operators

Operator Examples Description
Logical complement !a Inverts a boolean's logical value
Bitwise complement ~b Inverts all 0s and 1s in a number
Plus +c Indicates a number is positive, although numbers are assumed to be positive in Java unless accompanied by a negative unary operator
Negation or minus -d Indicates a literal number is negative or negates an expression
Increment ++e f++ Increments a value by 1
Decrement --f h-- Decrements a value by 1
Cast (String)i Casts a value to a specific type

Even though Table 2.2 includes the casting operator, we postpone discussing casting until the “Assigning Values” section later in this chapter, since that is where it is commonly used.

OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 17 Developer Study Guide

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