Читать книгу The Savvy Ally - Jeannie Gainsburg - Страница 13



An ally is a person who is not a part of a particular marginalized group but who stands up for and advocates for the rights of people in that group. Typically when we see the word ally in the context of LGBTQ+ advocacy, we think only of the person who is straight (i.e., heterosexual) and not transgender. However, we all can be LGBTQ+ allies, even if we are a part of the LGBTQ+ communities. If you are a lesbian, you can be an ally to the bisexual/pansexual communities. If you are a white transgender woman, you can support and advocate for trans-gender women of color.

One of my favorite post-training evaluation comments that I often receive from LGBTQ+ participants is: “Wow! I learned so much about the LGBTQ+ communities! I didn’t know how much I didn’t know!” You may be an expert on your own identity and community and yet know very little about others under the LGBTQ+ umbrella or how to be an ally to other communities. This book is for us all.

The Savvy Ally

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