Читать книгу The Bull Rider's Plan - Jeannie Watt - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

I knew five sets of identical twins growing up. I went to prom with an identical twin. Several years later, my husband and I were watching a television show about identical twins who married identical twins at the twin gathering in Twinsville, Ohio. I was able to point at the screen and say, “The one on the left was my prom date.” I could tell them apart even then. Funny thing, once you get to know identical twins, they don’t look so much alike.

I truly enjoyed writing my twins stories—The Bull Rider’s Plan and A Bull Rider to Depend On. Jess and Tyler Hayward look alike, but they have opposite personalities—like many of the identical twins I know—so I was able to craft two very different stories. Tyler was a wild child who depended on his brother to bail him out of trouble, and Jess is the responsible twin who needs to loosen up and follow his dream. Writing Jess’s story was particularly fun because I gave him a heroine, Emma, guaranteed to drive him crazy. Jess needed some crazy in his life, although in the beginning he would not have agreed with me.

I hope you enjoy reading Jess’s story. Please feel free to stop by my website, jeanniewatt.com, to learn more about me and my books or to sign up for my newsletter. I’d love to hear from you!

Happy reading!


The Bull Rider's Plan

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