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“Why not work for me?”

Layla smirked. “Thanks for the offer, Justin. I’ll see you around.”

He smiled at what was obviously a lie, since she was going to take great efforts not to see him, and took a step back. “Yeah. Layla. Sounds good.”

Layla barely got outside the door when the words he’d said sunk in. She’d given as good as she’d got.

Hadn’t she? Hmm. Maybe she hadn’t.

She turned and knocked. When Justin opened the door, she took both sides of his face, pulled his head down and kissed him.

“What was that for?” he said when she finally let him go.

“That was for every time I’ve taken the high road and didn’t respond in kind to all the stuff you and my brothers did to me.”

He rubbed his thumb over his lower lip. “I like the way you retaliate.”

Just Desserts

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