Читать книгу 55 Corrective Exercises for Horses - Jec Aristotle Ballou - Страница 7





Chapter 1: Corrective Exercises to Create New Patterns

Why We Need Corrective Exercises

Pilates or Yoga for Horses

Understanding Fascia

Why Ground Poles?

Exercise 1: Raised Pole Fan with Alternating Strides

Exercise 2: Serpentine Across a Ditch

Exercise 3: Ride a Hill Sideways

Exercise 4: Quick Halts Down a Hill

Exercise 5: Back Up with Good Form

Exercise 6: The Schaukel

Exercise 7: Backing Up a Hill

Exercise 8: Backing Down a Hill

Exercise 9: Long-and-Low Transitions

Exercise 10: Changing Angles, Leg-Yield

Exercise 11: Lateral Movements on the Circle

Exercise 12: Ride with a Lariat

Routines to Resolve Common Challenges and Dysfunction

Chapter 2: Tuning Up Postural Muscles

Postural Muscles vs. Gymnastic Muscles

How Much Exercise Is Good?

Exercise 13: Snake Over Poles

Exercise 14: Snake Over Poles—Variation 1

Exercise 15: Snake Over Poles—Variation 2

Exercise 16: Straddle a Single Pole

Exercise 17: Stretch and Climb Through

Exercise 18: Figure-Eight Bars

Exercise 19: Zigzag Poles for Jogging

Exercise 20: Agility Square

Exercise 21: Trot Poles with Outer Edge Raised

Exercise 22: Trot Poles with Inside Edge Raised

Exercise 23: The Schaukel on a Slope

Exercise 24: Slow, Controlled Downhills

Routines to Diagnose Dysfunctional Movement

Chapter 3: Simple Bodywork to Break Bad Habits

Pick and Choose

What Is Proprioception?

Exercise 25: Wiggle for Tension Release

Exercise 26: Withers Wiggle for Resolving Asymmetry

Exercise 27: Balancing on Unstable Surface

Exercise 28: Dynamic Mobilization on Unstable Surface

Exercise 29: Weight Shifts on Unstable Surface

Exercise 30: Cutaneous Stimulation

Exercise 31: Lateral Pelvic Flexion

Exercise 32: Tension Release from Gluteals

Exercise 33: Tail Circles

Exercise 34: Sensory Education Path

Routines Following Bodywork and During Periods of Reduced Exercise

Chapter 4: Getting the Most from Groundwork

Use of the Cavesson

The Question of Side-Reins

Exercise 35: Serpentine In Hand

Exercise 36: Lifting the Hind Legs

Exercise 37: The Labyrinth

Exercise 38: The Labyrinth—Variation

Exercise 39: Therapeutic Pole Pattern

Exercise 40: Pre-Ride Circles

Exercise 41: The 11-Meter Circle

Exercise 42: Walking Uphill Over Poles

Exercise 43: Longeing Therapy

Routines to Complement Rehab Programs

Chapter 5: Exercises and Tips to Follow Every Day

Posture Checklist

Use a Fitness Test for Assessment of Conditioning

General Training Tips to Prevent Poor Posture

Exercise 44: Zigzag Poles

Exercise 45: Walking High Uneven Poles

Exercise 46: Giravolta

Exercise 47: Uneven Poles

Exercise 48: Poles with a Blank Space

Exercise 49: The Two-Part Turn

Exercise 50: Ride a Ditch

Exercise 51: Gearing Up to Gallop

Exercise 52: Canter Poles for Adjusting Strides

Exercise 53: Turns and Straights

Exercise 54: Canter with Lariat

Exercise 55: Canter Wavy Lines

Routines for Supplemental Conditioning and Specific Horse Types

About the Author


55 Corrective Exercises for Horses

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