Читать книгу The Courageous Classroom - Jed Dearybury - Страница 2


Table of Contents


Title Page



About the Authors


Introduction Dr. Janet's Story Jed's Story What to Expect in This Book

Chapter 1: The Brain's Fear System Fear Is Normal Fear Keeps Us Alive Fear Becomes Courage Fear and Trauma Affect Learning Fear as a Teacher Fear Is Paralyzing Fear's Capacity The Story of Kimmie Fear Is Overcome-able Tips for the Courageous Classroom

Chapter 2: Animals and Fear Animals Can Cause Fear Animals Survive Because of Fear Animals and Mental Health Animals in the Classroom Tips for the Courageous Classroom

10  Chapter 3: Fear Outside School Trauma Is an Adverse Childhood Experience Trauma and the Brain's Development Trauma Presenting in Children Trauma as a Student and Educator Trauma's Effect on You The Story of Johnnie Tips for the Courageous Classroom

11  Chapter 4: Crossing the Threshold into Schools Courage in Spite of Circumstances Courage at The Eagle Academy for Young Men Courage During Car-Line Duty The Story of Mary Tips for the Courageous Classroom

12  Chapter 5: Fear Inside School School Shootings School Bullying School Safety School Anti-Bullying Programs Bullying in the Classroom/Supporting Students: Tips for Teachers and Parents Schools and LGBTQ+ Bullying Tips for the Courageous Classroom

13  Chapter 6: The Brain and Learning The Impact on the Brain The Brain Needs Time The Brain and Sleep The Brain and Adversity The Brain and the Long-Term Effects of Trauma The Brain of a Coping Teacher The Brain and Classroom Needs The Brain's Health Resilience Tips for the Courageous Classroom

14  Chapter 7: When Teachers Are Targeted Aggression Against Teachers A Story of Lawrence Aggression and Teacher Safety? Aggression Defined Aggression and Social Learning Aggression Disclaimer Aggression Management A Story of Tatum Tips for the Courageous Classroom

15  Chapter 8: When a Child Is/Might Be in Danger Relationships Are Paramount Relationships with Student's Parents Relationships with Students Relationships and Mental Health A Story of Frankie Tips for the Courageous Classroom

16  Chapter 9: Building Courageous Classrooms A Courageous First Day of School A Courageous Man A Courageous Definition and Neurobiology A Courageous Story A Courageous Choice Tips for the Courageous Classroom

17  Chapter 10: Creating a Landscape of Calm in the Classroom Acknowledge Diversity Acknowledge the School Environment Acknowledge Physical Spaces Acknowledge Peace and Tranquility Acknowledge Emotions A Story About the Absence of Pride, Comfort, and Safety Tips for the Courageous Classroom

18  Chapter 11: Health and Education Obesity and School Stress and School Self-Care and School A Story of Teacher Self-Care Tips for the Courageous Classroom

19  Chapter 12: Talking with Parents Approach as a Partner Approach Without Assumptions Approach with Grace A Story About Anne Approach with Care Approach with Respect Approach with Sensitivity Approach with Resources

20  Chapter 13: What Now?

21  Appendix A: External Stimulus of the Brain

22  Appendix B: The Brain’s Fear Circuit

23  References

24  Index

25  End User License Agreement

List of Tables

1 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Classroom Management

List of Illustrations

1 Appendix AFigure A.1 Brain circuitry responding to an external stimulus

2 Appendix BFigure B.1 Fear factor


Cover Page

Table of Contents

Begin Reading




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The Courageous Classroom

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