Читать книгу Global Tax Governance. Taxation on Digital Economy, Transfer Pricing and Litigation in Tax Matters (MAPs + ADR) Policies for Global Sustainability. Ongoing U.N. 2030 (SDG) and Addis Ababa Agendas - Jeffrey Owens - Страница 23

Chapter 1 UNITED NATIONS: global digital economy and disruptive technologies to prevent the tax fraud and the tax noncompliance


David Deputy

Director of Strategic Development and Emerging Markets, and Representative to International Organizations, Vertex Corporation. “President, Accounting Blockchain Coalition”. UNITED STATES

Global Tax Governance. Taxation on Digital Economy, Transfer Pricing and Litigation in Tax Matters (MAPs + ADR) Policies for Global Sustainability. Ongoing U.N. 2030 (SDG) and Addis Ababa Agendas

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