Читать книгу The Vagina Bible - Jen Gunter - Страница 6


Table of Contents

Praise Title Page Copyright Page Dedication Introduction Getting Started

CHAPTER 1 - The Vulva CHAPTER 2 - The Vagina CHAPTER 3 - Vaginas and Vulvas in Transition CHAPTER 4 - Female Pleasure and Sex Ed CHAPTER 5 - Pregnancy and Childbirth

Everyday Practicalities and V Maintenance

CHAPTER 6 - Medical Maintenance CHAPTER 7 - Food and Vaginal Health CHAPTER 8 - The Bottom Line on Underwear CHAPTER 9 - The Lowdown on Lube CHAPTER 10 - Kegel Exercises

Skin Care and Cleansing

CHAPTER 11 - Vulvar Cleansing: Soaps, Cleansers, and Wipes CHAPTER 12 - Vaginal Cleansing: Douches, Steams, Sprays, and Potpourri CHAPTER 13 - Hair Removal and Grooming CHAPTER 14 - Moisturizers, Barriers, and Bath Products

Menstrual Products and Mythology

CHAPTER 15 - The Truth About Toxic Shock Syndrome CHAPTER 16 - Are There Toxins in Tampons and Pads? CHAPTER 17 - Menstrual Hygiene


CHAPTER 18 - Menopause CHAPTER 19 - Treating GSM

Medications and Interventions

CHAPTER 20 - Cannabis CHAPTER 21 - Contraception CHAPTER 22 - Antibiotics and Probiotics CHAPTER 23 - Cosmetic Procedures, Injections, and “Rejuvenation”

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

CHAPTER 24 - General STI Information CHAPTER 25 - STI Prevention CHAPTER 26 - The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) CHAPTER 27 - Herpes (HSV) CHAPTER 28 - Gonorrhea and Chlamydia CHAPTER 29 - Trichomoniasis CHAPTER 30 - Pubic Lice


CHAPTER 31 - Yeast CHAPTER 32 - Bacterial Vaginosis CHAPTER 33 - Vulvodynia CHAPTER 34 - Pelvic Floor Muscle Spasm and Vaginismus CHAPTER 35 - Skin Conditions CHAPTER 36 - UTIs and Bladder Pain Syndrome CHAPTER 37 - Pelvic Organ Prolapse


CHAPTER 38 - Communicating with Your Provider CHAPTER 39 - I Have Pain with Sex CHAPTER 40 - I Have Vaginitis CHAPTER 41 - I Have a Vulvar Itch CHAPTER 42 - I Have Vulvar Pain CHAPTER 43 - I Have an Odor CHAPTER 44 - I Have Bleeding After Sex

Putting It All Together

CHAPTER 45 - Medicine Cabinet Rehab CHAPTER 46 - Internet Hygiene and Apps CHAPTER 47 - Journal of Old Wives’ Tales

References Acknowledgments

The Vagina Bible

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