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Papers AND


What you sketch on is very much a matter of personal preference, and will also be influenced by where you’re likely to be working. Sketchbooks come in a vast array of different sizes, formats and paper types, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the options. I’ve also found I’ve preferred different formats at different points over the years – you may like to have several in use at any one time.

Will you be working sitting at a desk or table, or drawing quickly while standing up? Do you want to be able to fit your sketchbook into your pocket or bag – if so, how big is that pocket or bag? Does the idea of all those blank pages fill you with fear – maybe start with some loose sheets instead?

The format also can be an issue – I love Moleskine watercolour sketchbooks, but the small ones open out into a very long strip. Great for tall or wide drawings, but not so great for fitting onto my small desk! By contrast, ring-bound sketchbooks can be folded right over to minimize the space that they require.

If you think you’ll be using a lot of paint or watercolour, it is definitely worth seeking out a sketchbook made with watercolour-specific paper. It will be a little more expensive, but will take pretty much anything you throw at it. Watercolour paper comes in different types, with fairly obscure names ( ‘hot press’, ‘not’, and ‘rough’, then ‘hand’, ‘machine’ or ‘mould made’, and that’s before we even start on the weight or GSM) but you can ignore the technicalities for now – just run your finger over the paper and find one you like.

Think again about what sort of person you are – would buying a higher quality sketchbook make you feel like a ‘proper’ artist and excited to fill it? Or would it feel a little daunting, put you off filling the first page, and you’d be better off with the one you got for free with a magazine at first? Remember, your sketchbook is a tool to help you. Choose whatever you’re most likely to draw on.

Various sizes of sketchbooks from different points over the last few years

The Joy of Sketch

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