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“You’re pregnant?”


“I don’t owe you any explanations.” Bethany said, trying to push past Dylan. She might as well have tried to move a boulder.

“If you think I’m going to let you walk out of here by yourself, you’re out of your mind. You told me yourself you’d do what it took to protect your child. No way am I going to risk you driving off into those mountains and never coming back.”

“I appreciate your concern, Dylan, but I’m not some fragile flower, and I don’t need you playing bodyguard or bounty hunter or whatever it is you think you’re doing.” Even if for a few dangerous moments she wanted to feel his arms close around her more than she’d ever wanted anything.

His expression darkened. “I’d call it father.”

Everything inside her went very still. “W-what?”

“This child you’re carrying, Bethany. This child is mine.”

A Kiss In The Dark

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