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“We need to go, Caroline. Now.”

Zane shoved her ahead of him. The headlights bearing down on them grew even brighter. The screaming of the tow truck engine grew shriller. They were just at the edge of the highway when Zane heard the crash of an impact as the heavily reinforced truck plowed into their pickup.

Something hit him behind his right knee, knocking him to the ground and sending him tumbling down an embankment. He heard other pieces of debris crashing into the trees and underbrush around him. Then the lights from the attacking truck suddenly went out and Zane was falling in darkness. Finally, he came to a stop.

“Caroline?” he called out, heart thundering in his chest and sick with fear that she’d been hurt.

She didn’t answer.

He got to his feet, relieved to find that his knee wasn’t badly injured, and called her name again. And again, he didn’t hear her respond.

Zane frantically looked around. Caroline had been beside him just a minute ago. Now she was gone...

Killer Country Reunion

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