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“Who are you?” The man on the dock frowned. “You said it was urgent. You told me…” His voice flattened. “You lied.”

“I did. But you love, so you believed. You were vulnerable. That’s how I succeed. Love is joy. It’s also pain. Which emotion we experience depends on the person we love.”

A cruel north wind blasted the man from behind. His muscles tightened beneath his overcoat. His hand crept toward his pocket.

The person opposite smiled. “There’s no point trying to be subtle. I can see you have a gun.”

The man’s fingers balled.

“You know, for such an educated man, you strike me as rather stupid. Still, I don’t really expect you or anyone to understand. It doesn’t work that way in my case.”

A knife blade appeared out of nowhere to press against the man’s throat. He made a choking sound and froze.

“Maybe not quite so stupid after all. But an unfortunate victim just the same.”

“Why are you doing this?” the man whispered. “Can’t I at least know that?”

“I already told you. Love is pain.”

“Which you’re going to inflict.”


Before the man could react, the knife shifted. The blade slashed.

Blood spurted, a steaming red fountain of it.

The man jolted and clawed. He tried to grab the knife, as if that would help. He staggered forward in an attempt to run.

But he was dead, and he knew it, even if he didn’t know why.

When the job was done, the man’s killer stood back. A measure of sorrow crept in and, yes, pity. But no second thought. No regrets.

The time for waiting was over.

It had begun. Again.

A Voice in the Dark

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