Читать книгу Dream Weaver - Jenna Ryan - Страница 2

Someone was lurking in the bushes…


Meliana heard a movement to her left. She crouched, breathed carefully, concentrated. She should have brought a knife, she realized. She kept still and forced herself to remain calm. Her heart was slamming so hard she felt certain whoever was there would hear it. She searched the darkened ground for a weapon. A stone was the best she could find, but she needed something to defend herself in a struggle.

What if it was him?

It had to be him…waiting to pounce. Had he followed her? It was possible. He’d done a number of other bizarre things. Like stealing her underwear.

She waited a full thirty seconds. The frogs seemed to grow louder with each second that passed. The sound of rustling bushes reached her again. Someone was directly behind her. Still in a crouch, Meliana spun. As she did, a man’s arm wrapped itself around her shoulders and a hand came over her mouth….

Dream Weaver

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