Читать книгу Raven's Cove - Jenna Ryan - Страница 8


The Raven’s Tale

When lost and angry soul did meet,

Sly spirit cloaked in dark deceit,

That whispered low within the mist,

Of vengeance and false justice, hissed,

And twined until the soul, confused,

Unable to resist, bemused,

And willing to forsake his faith,

Bade spirit enter. Like a wraith,

The darkness crept in, seized control.

The two now intertwined, now whole,

Saw death descend upon the town.

As spirit grew, held lost soul down,

Regret, repentance rose and cried,

Please help the one ensnared inside.

But darkness had its claws sunk deep,

Would not relinquish hold, would keep,

Soul prisoner forevermore,

Brooked no escape to any shore.

Bright spirit heard but could not break,

Dark spirit’s grip so deeply staked,

Could merely transform man to bird,

And offer hope through cryptic word.

Sleek raven now can steal no breath,

Can cause no harm, incur no death.

But feathers three placed on the door,

Means life within is destined for,

Untimely end. The raven knows,

And with that knowledge, torment grows.

Yet on the day death gains no ground,

And though portended is not found,

Where feathers three by raven placed,

Should death be met and duly faced,

And conquered, then tormented soul,

Will freedom wrest from evil fold.

Unfettered soul may rise, move on,

No more pernicious spirit’s pawn.

Until that day shall raven fly,

The darkness call and people die.

Until the one is once more two

The raven’s curse holds fast and true.

Raven's Cove

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