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Cole stopped at the end of the corridor and stared at the number on MacKenzie’s hospital room. He fingered the get-well card, wishing he’d thought to purchase flowers, as well. Maybe he should go to the gift shop—

Too late. The door swung open. Detective Parker stepped out.

Cole stood tall, not bothering to force a smile.

“She’s pretty tired,” the detective finally said, his steely eyes giving a silent warning.

Cole didn’t flinch. “I won’t be long.”

“Good.” Parker gave him a pointed look. “She’s been through a lot.”

Time for that fake smile. “That’s why I’m here.”

A short nod, and the detective finally walked away—probably no farther than a vacant chair in the hall. Cole took a breath, then stepped into the room, leaving the door partially open behind him. He had nothing to hide. MacKenzie lay silent, her eyes closed. He should leave, let her rest undisturbed, but his feet remained planted to the floor at the foot of her bed. His chest ached as he scanned her for signs of her ordeal—pale skin, a bandage taped to her left temple—

Her eyelids fluttered, then opened. A gasp escaped her chapped lips, stabbing his conscience as her dark-blue eyes widened in shock.

“I’m sorry, MacKenzie.” Why had he stayed? Staring at her while she slept…Of all the thoughtless—“I just wanted to drop off a card for you.” He set it on the side table and started to back away.

“Kenzie,” she said softly. “My friends call me Kenzie.” The fear was gone from her face, and her eyes shone when she looked at him.

Kenzie. Casual, but slightly exotic. It fit her well. A real smile stretched his lips as she met his gaze and held it.

“I’m Cole. Don’t know if you remember me from the bus stop or…later. But you’re going to be okay.”

She seemed so fragile, but her nod reassured him. “Thanks to you.” Tears gathered in her eyes. “How did you find me?”

The question of the hour. Cole sat down and considered his response. The truth was too out-of-this-world, so Cole settled on a more believable but equally out-of-this-world answer. “Must have been a God thing.”

Her tears slipped free, and he glanced away, not wanting to see her cry. His gaze fell on her hands, and without thinking, he gently tugged one toward the edge of the bed and examined it. Ointment covered the raw red burns. Band-Aids hid the smaller wounds but not her bruises.

“Are you in pain?” he asked softly.

“Not too bad. Just tired. How can I ever…?”

He shook his head. “You don’t owe me anything. I’m just glad you’re going to be all right.”

“Mmm.” Kenzie’s eyes closed briefly. “You think Detective Parker will catch them?”

“Hope so.” For more reasons than one. “He’s very thorough.”

“I’m just glad it’s over. Or almost.” Her voice softened to a pained whisper. “I thought I wasn’t going to make it.”

“I know.”

Her hand moved until her fingers rested on his palm, a feather-light touch. “When you walked in and turned on the light, I felt safe for the first time in…in a long time.”

Cole couldn’t find a response.

Her fingers tapped his, then withdrew. “Thank you.”

Cole blinked and raised his gaze to her face, but her eyes were shut. “You’re welcome,” he whispered.

She didn’t answer. He fiddled with her controls, lowering the bed to a more comfortable sleeping position. Kenzie’s eyes opened slightly, then fell shut again. Sun shone brightly through the open blinds and the warm rays played across her face, disguising her bruises as shadows.

A satchel rested beside his chair. It belonged to someone in her family, no doubt. Someone who would be returning soon and might not welcome company. He started to rise, wanting to stay—to make sure she stayed safe and kept breathing those slow, even breaths—but not wanting to be in the way.

The chair creaked, and Kenzie stirred, then stretched a hand toward him. “Don’t…leave,” she whispered, eyes still closed.

Cole swallowed the lump in his throat and settled back down, her hand cradled carefully in his as she retreated once again into sleep. Why hadn’t he gone looking for her sooner? Talking to Parker had just stalled him. If he’d just allowed himself to trust his instincts, Kenzie may still have been hurt, but he might have been able to shorten her ordeal.

He shook his head once. MacKenzie Jacobs would live to see another day, to light up the world with her smile. He had been late, but not too late this time. Her nightmare was over.

Or was it?

Cole froze as he pictured the cover of Obsession, the scrap of paper that marked his spot, only a few chapters in when he’d turned it over to the detective.

If Monique’s car hadn’t died, she might not have either…

He’d only read to the part about the boathouse before reporting to Parker and going on his trespassing frenzy. If Monique’s story hadn’t ended there…would Kenzie’s?

Kenzie opened her eyes to an empty chair and a dark room. Strange shadows shifted, and her heart pounded hard against her ribcage. Where was Cole Leighton and his calming presence? Had he really left her alone?

Then again, why should that surprise her?

She drew in rapid breaths as the darkness seemed to loom closer. Get a grip. There was no storm, no danger, surely no gunmen lurking in the hallways. She was safe.

A shadow moved. Her breath halted altogether as the door creaked open.

“You’re awake.” The brightness from the hall illuminated her mother’s face. “Mind if I turn the light on?”

“Please,” Kenzie forced out, choking back tears of relief as light flooded the room once again.

Her mother set a vase of carnations next to the roses and settled into the vacant chair. “You’ve had a steady stream of visitors this afternoon. I came back from lunch and met that young man—I guess the one who found you? Anyway, I know how you like your privacy—”

Yeah, well, if her mother knew so much about her, why had she shut off the light? Kenzie had been terrified of the dark since she was nine years old. Ever since the night of the tornado that took her brother.

“So I sent him on his way.”

Cole Leighton hadn’t left her alone after all. Not that it should matter either way—she was indebted to him, not the other way around. But somehow, it did.

“Your principal stopped by. He left these.” Her mother indicated the bouquet she’d brought in.

Kenzie reached for the card and slowly exhaled as she read it. She’d been granted sick leave for as long as she needed if she wasn’t ready to go back to teaching first grade after spring break.

Detective Parker entered the room and her mother excused herself. Had they found the gunmen? Kenzie forced back the rush of hope, not wanting to feel the crush of it if she was disappointed.

Once more, the police officer sat beside her bed, recorder in hand. “I’m sorry to disturb you again, Miss Jacobs, but I do have just a couple more questions for you.” His heavy eyebrows lifted as if awaiting a go-ahead.

She nodded, wondering what else he could have to ask. They’d already been over everything from a dozen different directions, as far as she could tell: Who she’d had contact with before the bus ride. Why she hadn’t taken her car. Who her enemies were. Why someone would have targeted her. If the gunmen seemed to have planned the kidnapping…

“Had you ever met Cole Leighton before yesterday? Ever seen him around the school, at church…anything?”

They hadn’t covered that. Something inside her tightened, constricting her breath. “No.” She would have remembered those eyes, that wistful smile. “I only know that if it weren’t for him—” Kenzie blinked, remembering how numb her hands had been, how unresponsive her legs had become by the time help had reached her. “I owe him my life.”

Detective Parker made a note to himself, then looked at her again. “And when he visited earlier…”

His eyebrows raised again, and her insides coiled tighter. “He just came to make sure I was going to be okay.” She wished she’d gotten to say good-bye, wished her mother hadn’t kicked him out. Would she ever see him again?

“Did he bring you anything?”

Her eyes strayed to the roses. “Just a card.”

His gaze must have followed hers. “No flowers?”

“I don’t think so.” Although she could always hope. “What’s going on?” She met the detective’s keen stare.

“Just covering all the angles.” He waited a moment, then stood when she didn’t speak again. “Miss Jacobs, we’re doing everything we can, following every lead. But I want you to be careful. Any odd phone call or visitor—you let me know about it. Deal?”


After he left, Kenzie pushed the principal’s bouquet to the side and caressed the vase holding her first get-well flowers. Seven red roses. She studied the crimson petals, gingerly touched one, and searched again for a card. None.

Had Cole sent them? Maybe he’d forgotten to attach a card and had hand-delivered one instead; he had set it beside the roses, after all. Kenzie tapped a stem, then pulled her hand back to her side. Her arms still ached, her eyelids still drooped. But she’d seen the man who had saved her life, and somehow that made things better. Not just because he was, well, really attractive, with his shaggy hair, piercing blue-green eyes and gentle smile. She’d remembered his eyes from before boarding the bus, his voice from when he’d shined a light in her darkness. His quiet strength made her feel safe, but not smothered. He made her feel beautiful, even with chapped lips and hideous wrists and frazzled hair, leaving her with a longing to be loved for who she was.

Except that could never happen—she’d never allow it. Because whenever she truly loved someone, whenever they truly loved her…

They ended up dead.

Double Take

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