Читать книгу The Global Education Guidebook - Jennifer D. Klein - Страница 8


Table of Contents

About the Author

Introduction: Fostering Global Citizenship by Meeting in the Middle

Why I’m Here

Why Foster Global Citizenship and Equity

What Students Want From Global Education

Why You’re Here

1 Building Global Competencies via Global Partnerships

Starting From Why: Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity

Defining Global Competency


World Savvy

Center for Global Education at Asia Society

Investigating Pedagogical and Instructional Strategies for Global Competency

Project-Based Learning

Problem-Based Learning

Design Thinking

Understanding by Design

Place-Based Education

A Few Concluding Thoughts

2 Preparing for Global Collaboration

What Do I Want Students to Learn From Their Global Partnership?

How Can I Take My Students Beyond the Fs of Global Education?

How Much Time Can I Put Into Crafting This Partnership?

With What Country or Region Do I Want to Connect?

Which Design Best Supports the Global Competencies I Want to Foster?

Classroom-to-Classroom Exchange

Classroom-to-Classroom Collaboration

Classroom-to-Classroom Co-Creation

Nonschool Partners

What Are the Ideal Duration and Timing for the Project I Have in Mind?

How Important Is the Opportunity for Synchronous Communication?

Do I Have Any Compatibility Non-Negotiables?

Which Technological Platforms Might Be Best Suited to My Partnership?

How Ready Are My School and Classroom for Global Partnerships?

A Few Concluding Thoughts

3 Getting a Feel for What’s Possible

Classroom-to-Classroom Partnerships by Division

Elementary Partnership: The Teddy Bear Project

Other Elementary School Partnership Examples

Middle School Partnership: Global Partners Junior’s Annual Theme

Other Middle School Partnership Examples

High School Partnership: #Decarbonize

Other High School Partnership Examples

Nonschool Partnerships With Global Guest Speakers

Urban Planning

Navajo Culture

Global Change Making

Economics and Microfinancing

A Few Concluding Thoughts

4 Finding Existing Partnership Programs That Work

Established Partnership Programs


TakingITGlobal for Educators

The Centre for Global Education


Global Read Aloud

Flat Connections Project

Global Classroom Project

The Wonderment

Global Nomads Group

Level Up Village

Know My World

Purpose-Based Organizations

Narrative 4


A Few Concluding Thoughts

5 Finding a Global Partner on Your Own

Social Media

In-Person and Online Conferences

The International Society for Technology in Education


Personal, Professional, and Community Networks

Teacher Professional and Personal Travel Programs

Grant-Based Teacher Travel Fellowships

Fee-Based Teacher Travel Programs

A Few Concluding Thoughts

6 Choosing Strategies for Successful Communication

Build Relationships First

Lean Into Language Differences

Start From Simple, Personal Communication

Talk About Project Ideas With an Open Mind

Communicate Consistently and Then Step Aside

Choose the Right Communication Platforms

Platforms for Synchronous Communication

Platforms for Asynchronous Communication

A Few Concluding Thoughts

7 Avoiding Equity Pitfalls

Avoid Exoticizing Partners

Avoid Misperceiving Academic Capacity

Avoid Focusing Solely on Helping

Avoid Solving for More Than With

Avoid Assuming Partners Can—or Should—Have the Same Technologies

Avoid Conflicting Priorities

A Few Concluding Thoughts

8 Exploring Social Justice Challenges Through Partnerships

Know Your Community

Get Administrative Buy-In

Gather Multiple Perspectives

Lean Into Discomfort

Use Human Rights Frameworks

Choose Social Justice Partnerships Thoughtfully

A Few Concluding Thoughts

9 Assessing Global Competencies, Partnerships, and Programs

Assess Students’ Global Competencies in a Partnership

Adapt and Retain Global Partnerships

Assess and Improve Broader Global Programming

Future Friendly Schools

The Global Education Benchmark Group

Center for Global Education at Asia Society’s International Studies Schools Network

World Savvy’s School Partnership Program

A Few Concluding Thoughts

10 Building a Culture of Global Engagement Across the Community

Build a Global Education Revolution

Your Community’s Culture

Schoolwide Events and Strategies for Engaging the Community

Professional Development and Growth Strategies for Teachers and Curricular Leaders

District and Policy Changes

Inspire Global Fluency Through Student Travel

Understand the Impact of Global Partnerships on Partners and Their Communities

Foster a Constructive Worldview

A Few Concluding Thoughts

References and Resources


The Global Education Guidebook

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