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THE WEDDING BOUQUET tumbled through the air.

The breath caught in Sofia Moore’s throat as she watched the flowers sail end over end. They were headed her way. She raised her hands high in the air. With a firm grasp on the bouquet, she smiled triumphantly, thankful her friend had chosen flowers that didn’t bother her allergies. Sofia lowered her arms, taking a moment to admire the beautiful white lilies and the delicate blue orchids.

As a round of applause went up, she lifted her head. Her gaze immediately met a set of piercing blue-gray eyes. Only one person had such mesmerizing eyes. Niko Stravos.

Her heart pounded in her chest. He quickly averted his gaze, but the connection had been long enough for her stomach to quiver with excitement. He liked her. Of that she was certain.

In turn, she was drawn to him like a honeybee to a sun-warmed daisy. How could she not be? He was drop-dead gorgeous in the tall, dark and dreamy sort of way. But there was something more—something she couldn’t quite put her finger on.

She moved to where he was standing. His stance was a bit stiff, and a frown marred his handsome face. What had caused him to look so uncomfortable? Just moments ago, they’d been enjoying their time together. Their conversation had been light and entertaining. She wasn’t ready for it to end.

“Care to dance again?” She hoped to cajole him back into a good mood.

Niko’s hesitant gaze zeroed in on the bouquet before returning to her face. “Perhaps we should rest. Aren’t you tired?”

“Tired? Not a chance. I love weddings.” This was the first time since she’d called off her engagement that she’d truly enjoyed herself. She didn’t want this magical evening to end. “Don’t you?”

“What?” Lines creased between his dark brows.

“Don’t you enjoy weddings?”

His gaze moved to the colorful lilies again. “Not so much. I’m usually too busy at the office to attend them.”

“In that case, you should make the most of the occasion. I’m sure Kyra’s glad you made an exception today.” She noticed how his attention kept straying back to the flowers. She turned and placed the arrangement on the bridal table. But still the pensive look on his face remained. “I love this song. Let’s go dance.”

He shook his head. “I don’t think so.”

“But why?”

He glanced around as though trying to avoid her pointed stare. “You should dance with someone else. I...I don’t want to take up your entire evening. I should go.”

“But we were having fun. Don’t say goodbye. Not yet.” She needed this—she needed to feel alive again after beating herself up for letting herself stay in a dead-end relationship for too long. “Please.”

Niko hesitated. Then he held out his arm to her. “Shall we?”

A smile pulled at her lips. “I thought you’d never ask.”

He escorted her onto the crowded dance floor that had been erected on the beach of the Blue Tide Resort beneath a giant tent supported by white columns. Everyone around them was smiling and laughing. The tables were adorned with white linens, floral centerpieces and votive candles. It was so easy to get swept up in the joyful celebration of her best friend’s wedding.

A smile lifted the corners of his mouth. “You are unlike anyone I’ve ever known. I never know what to expect from you.”

“I like to keep you guessing.” She stepped into his very capable arms.

“You enjoy being different, don’t you?”

“Yes.” There was no hesitation in her response. None whatsoever. “I tried living up to someone’s expectations. I turned myself inside out, and it still wasn’t enough. In fact, it was an utter disaster. Since then, I’ve decided to march to my own drum.”

“And how’s that working for you?”

“Quite well.” After all, she was dancing the night away with the most eligible bachelor at this wedding. “Quite well indeed. You should try it.”

His eyes widened. “And what makes you think I don’t march to my own drum?”

“Just a feeling.”

He struck her as the conservative type, from his restrained emotions to his proper hold on her as they danced; not standing too close and his hands always remained in a respectable place. But then there was his longer, wavy dark hair. And the way he stared at her when he didn’t think she noticed. Perhaps there was an impulsive side to him just longing to get out. She relished the idea.

Wanting to push him out of his safety zone, she moved closer to him. Her curves brushed up against his muscular chest. Immediately he sucked in a deep breath as his body stiffened.

“Relax,” she murmured, feeling exceedingly daring. Perhaps it was the dim lighting. Or maybe it was the sparkling wine. Whatever it was, she decided not to fight it. She was having too much fun. “Don’t worry—I won’t bite.”

A deep, rich chuckle rumbled from his chest. They began to move to the music again. He leaned in close—real close. His breath lightly brushed over her neck, sending goose bumps down her arms. “Why do I get the feeling you’re trying to take advantage of me?”

She swallowed hard, trying to ignore the way he had her pulse racing. “Would that be so bad?”

“I never let anyone have the advantage.”

“Maybe you should—think of all you’re missing out on.” She wasn’t one for flings, but Niko was different. The push and pull of her common sense versus her desires raged war within her. Should she? Or shouldn’t she? In the end, she threw caution to the wind and decided that for Niko, she just might make an exception.

“Sofia? Did you hear me?”

He’d been talking? Between the loud voices and the strums of the eight-piece band, not to mention her own riotous thoughts, she’d missed what he’d said. And that was a shame because she loved his voice that was heavily laden with a Greek accent.

“I’m sorry. I’m having trouble hearing you.”

“Perhaps you’d care to stop by my suite. We could continue our conversation. It’s much quieter there. Unless of course you’d care to dance the night away.”

He was inviting her to his suite? Her immediate response was no. But, then again, after tonight he’d be gone. And tomorrow she’d be like Cinderella, trading in her royal blue chiffon gown and satin heels for a black-and-white maid’s uniform complete with no-nonsense black shoes with rubber soles.

The way Niko implored her with his eyes eroded any lingering doubts. Tonight would be her fairy tale—something she’d remember for years to come.

“Lead the way.”

The Greek's Nine-Month Surprise

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