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Cristo couldn’t deny that he liked the sound of those words. In fact, that wasn’t the only thing he could imagine passing by that tempting mouth.

Cristo gave himself a mental shake. What was he doing daydreaming about this woman? He knew better than to think of romance. He’d witnessed firsthand what happened when the romance turned cold. His parents were like the king and queen of Frostville. He got frostbite every time they were in the same room. He refused to end up unhappy like them.

Cristo cleared his throat. “Maybe we should start this relationship over.” He held out his hand to her. “Hi. I’m Cristo.”

She slipped her slender hand in his. He immediately noticed the coolness of her skin. She was undeniably nervous. That was good because he was, too.

Her fingers tightened around his hand. “Hi. My name’s Kyra. I have the feeling this is going to be quite an adventure.”

He had the same feeling but for other reasons, none that he wanted to delve into at the moment. “Let me know whatever you’ll need to make this arrangement as pleasant as possible.”

As she pulled her hand away, surprise reflected in her eyes. “You make it sound like I’ve just released the genie from the magic lantern.”

“Not exactly. But I do want you to be comfortable during our time together.” Cristo knew how thorough Stravos was with his background checks of potential business associates. “I need this engagement to be as authentic as possible. Don’t spare any detail or expense.”

“What expense?”

“For our wedding.”

“You’re serious? You really want me to plan a wedding that’s never going to happen?”

He nodded. “You have no idea what type of man I’m dealing with. Nikolaos Stravos is sharp and thorough.”

“But if people know about this engagement, how are you going to explain it when we break up?”

“I thought about it and we’ll handle it just like everyone else who calls off their wedding. We’ll tell people it’s an amicable split and we’d appreciate everyone respecting our privacy during this difficult time.”

“That may be fine for the public but not for close friends and relatives.”

“I’ve thought of that, too.” He smiled, liking having all of the answers. “We’ll tell them we couldn’t agree on kids. You want a couple and I want none.”

“Are you serious?”

He nodded. “It’s a legitimate reason with no associated scandal. We won’t be the first couple to break up over the subject.”

She paused as though giving the subject serious consideration. “I suppose it’ll work.”

He cleared his throat. “It’s the truth, at least partially. I’m too busy for a family.” That wasn’t the only reason he’d written off being a father, but it was all he was willing to share at the moment. “If we’re going to do this, we have to make the relationship authentic to hold up under scrutiny. Starting with you moving in here.”

“But...but I can’t. I told you I’m not sleeping with you.”

“And I don’t expect you to. But if people are supposed to believe we’re getting married, then they’ll expect us to be intimate.” When she opened her mouth to protest, he held up his hand silencing her. “We only have to give people the impression. Nothing more. Is that going to be a problem?”

Her worried gaze met his. He couldn’t blame her for hesitating. He knew he was asking a lot of her. But he was stuck between the proverbial rock and a hard place. She’d been a really good sport, until now.

He had to give her an out. He owed her that much. “It’s okay if you want to back out. I will totally understand.”

For a moment, he thought she had indeed changed her mind—that she was going to head for the door and never look back. His body tensed. He didn’t have a plan B. He’d only devised this plan, such as it was, on the spur of the moment.

When she spoke, her voice was surprisingly calm and held a note of certainty. “You’re right. People will grow suspicious if we don’t act like a normal engaged couple. But won’t people talk about me being a maid?”

He shook his head. “You’ve only been on the job for two days, and I’m guessing you haven’t met many guests.”

“No. Not really.”

“Good. I wouldn’t worry.” She glanced around the suite as though trying to decide how they would coexist. He could ease her mind. “Don’t worry. There’s a guest room with a lock on the door. But I’m sure you probably already know that.”

She nodded. “When do you want me to move in?”

“Now. I’ll send someone to gather your stuff. It’ll be less obvious if you aren’t lugging around your suitcases. Are you staying in the employee accommodations?”

She gave him the unit number. “But I...I need to tell my friend.”

“Remember, this arrangement has to be kept strictly between us. You can’t tell anyone about it or it’ll never work. Nikolaos Stravos has contacts everywhere.”


“Good. You stay here and I’ll have your luggage delivered to you.” Her mouth opened, then closed. “Is there a problem?”

She shook her head. “I’ll have Sofia toss my things together.”

“Good. Because we have big plans tonight.”

* * *

Was this really happening?

Dressed in a maroon designer dress from the overpriced boutique in the lobby, Kyra held on to Cristo’s arm. She was glad to have something to steady her as her knees felt like gelatin. Her hair had been professionally styled and her makeup had been applied by a cosmetologist. It was certainly a lot of fuss for a dinner date. What was Cristo up to?

She highly doubted she’d be able to eat a bite. Her stomach was a ball of nerves. They paused at the entrance of the resort’s High Tide Restaurant. The place was dimly lit with candles on each table. Gentle, soothing music played in the background, but it wasn’t having any effect on Kyra.

Numerous heads turned as the maître d’ escorted them to a corner table. Cristo made a point of greeting people. It was like being on the arm of royalty as everyone seemed to know him. At last at their table, Cristo pulled out her chair. Quite the gentleman. She was impressed.

He took the seat across from her. “Relax. You look beautiful.”

Heat warmed her cheeks. She knew she shouldn’t let his words get to her. Everything he said and did tonight was all an act. “You look quite handsome yourself.”

“Thank you.” He sat up a little straighter as a smile reflected in his eyes. “Can I order you some wine? Maybe it’ll help you relax.”

“Is it that obvious?” She worried her bottom lip while fidgeting with the silverware.

He reached out to her. His hand engulfed hers, stilling it. “Just a little.”

Her gaze met his before glancing down at their clasped hands. She attempted to pull away, but he tightened his grip and stroked the back of her hand with his thumb, sending wave after wave of delicious sensations coursing through her body.

She struggled to come up with a coherent thought. “What are you doing?”

“Trying to get my fiancée to relax and enjoy herself. We don’t want anyone wondering why you look so unhappy, do we?”

“Oh.” She glanced around, making sure they weren’t being watched. Thankfully, no one seemed to notice the bumpy start to their evening. Cristo was right, she needed to do better at holding up her end of this deal—no matter how unnerving it was being in this dimly lit restaurant at a candlelit table with the most handsome man in the room while trying to remain detached.

After making sure the server wasn’t within earshot, she said softly, “Would you mind releasing my hand?”

Cristo’s brows lifted, but he didn’t say a word as he pulled away. She immediately noticed the coldness where he’d once been touching her. She shoved the unsettling thought aside as she picked up the menu. Just act normal.

“Would you like me to recommend something?”

Her gaze lifted over the edge of the menu, which was written in both Greek and English. “Do you have it memorized?”

“Would it be bad if I said I did?”

“Really?” He nodded and she added, “You take a hands-on boss to a whole new level.”

His eyes twinkled as his smile grew broader and she suddenly realized that her words could be taken out of context. It’d been a total slip of the tongue. Hadn’t it?

“The chef’s specialty is seafood.”

She forced her gaze to remain on the menu instead of continuing to stare into Cristo’s eyes. Though her gaze focused on the scrolled entrées, none of it registered in her mind. “I’m not really a seafood fan.”

“Beef? Salad? Pasta—”

“Pasta sounds good.” Especially on a nervous stomach.

Cristo talked her through the menu. His voice was soothing and little by little she began to relax. She decided on chicken Alfredo and Cristo surprised her by ordering the same thing.

“You didn’t have to do that.”

His brows drew together. “Do what?”

“Order the same thing just to make me feel better.”

A smile warmed his face. “Perhaps we just have similar tastes.”

Perhaps they did. Now, why did that warm a spot in her chest? It wasn’t as if this was a real date. Everything was a case of make-believe. Did that include his words?

He didn’t give her time to contemplate the question as he continued the conversation, moving on to subjects such as how the weather compared to New York, and the differences between the Blue Tide Resort and his flagship business, the Glamour Hotel in New York City, where she’d previously worked.

She appreciated that he was trying so hard to put her at ease. It was as though they were on a genuine date. He even flirted with her, making her laugh. Kyra was thoroughly impressed. She didn’t think he would be this patient or kind. She had to keep reminding herself that it was all a show. But the more he talked, the harder it was to remember this wasn’t a date.

Much later, the meal was over and Cristo stared at her in the wavering candlelight. “How about dessert?”

She shook her head as she pressed a hand to her full stomach. “Not me. I’m going to have to run extra long tomorrow just to wear off a fraction of these calories.”

He pressed his elbows to the table and leaned forward. “You don’t have to worry. You look amazing. Enjoy tonight. Consider it a new beginning for both of us.”

A new beginning? Why did it seem as though he was trying to seduce her tonight? Maybe because he was. She was going to have to be extra careful around this charmer.

“The dinner was great. Thank you so much. But I honestly can’t eat another bite.”

A frown pulled at his lips. “I have something special ordered just for you.”

“You do?” No one had ever gone to this much trouble for her, pretend or real.

He nodded. “Will you at least sample it? I wouldn’t want the chef to be insulted.”

“Of course.” Then she had an idea. “Why don’t you share it with me?”

“You have a deal.” He signaled to the waiter that they were ready for the final course. It seemed almost instantaneous when the waiter appeared. He approached with a solitary cupcake.

It wasn’t until the waiter had placed the cupcake in front of her that she realized there was a diamond ring sitting atop the large dollop of frosting. The jewel was big. No, it was huge.

Kyra gasped.

The waiter immediately backed away. Cristo moved from his chair and retrieved the ring. What was he up to? Was it a mistake that he was going to correct? Because no one purchased a ring that big for someone who was just their fake fiancée. At least no rational person.

Cristo dropped to his knee next to her chair. Her mouth opened but no words came out. Was he going to propose to her? Right here? In front of everyone?

A noticeable silence fell over the room as one by one people turned and stared at them. The only sound now was the quickening beat of her heart.

Cristo gazed into her eyes. “Kyra, you stumbled into my life, reminding me of all that I’d been missing. You showed me that there’s more to life than business. You make me smile. You make me laugh. I can only hope to make you nearly as happy. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?”

The words were perfect. The sentiment was everything a woman could hope for. She knew this was where she was supposed to say yes, but even though her jaw moved, the words were trapped in her throat. Instead, she nodded and blinked back the involuntary rush of emotions. Someday she hoped the right guy would say those words to her and mean them.

Cristo took her hand in his. She was shaking and there wasn’t a darn thing she could do at that moment to stop it. Perhaps she should have realized he had this planned all along, what with her fancy dress and the stylist. If he wanted a surprised reaction, he got it.

Who’d have thought Cristo had a romantic streak? He’d created the most amazing evening. Something told her she would never forget this night. She couldn’t wait to tell Sofia. She was going to be so upset that she missed it.

Cristo stood and then helped Kyra to her feet. As though under a spell, she leaned into him. There was an intensity in his gaze that had her staring back, unable to turn away. Her pulse raced and her heart tumbled in her chest.

When his gaze dipped to her mouth, the breath caught in her throat. He was going to kiss her. His hands lifted and cupped her face. Their lips were just inches apart.

She should pull back. Turn away. Instead, she stood there anxiously waiting for his touch. Would it be gentle and teasing? Or would it be swift and demanding?

“You complete me.” Those softly spoken words shattered her last bit of reality. She gave in to the fantasy. He was her Prince Charming and for tonight she was his Cinderella.

The pounding in her chest grew stronger. She needed him to kiss her. She needed to see if his lips felt as good against hers as they’d felt on her hand.

“How did I get so lucky?” His voice crooned. Yet his voice was so soft that it would be impossible for anyone to hear—but her.

If he expected her to speak, he’d be waiting a long time. This whole evening had spiraled beyond anything she ever could have imagined. She was truly speechless, and that didn’t happen often.

His head dipped. This was it. He was really going to do it. And she was really going to let him. Her body swayed against his. Her soft curves nestled against his muscular planes.

She lifted on her tiptoes, meeting him halfway. Her eyelids fluttered closed. His smooth lips pressed to hers. At first, neither of them moved. It was as though they were both afraid of where this might lead. But then the chemistry between them swelled, mixed and bubbled up in needy anticipation.

Kyra’s arms slid up over his broad shoulders and wrapped around his neck. Her fingers worked their way through the soft, silky strands of his hair. This wasn’t so bad. In fact, it was...amazing. Her lips moved of their own accord, opening and welcoming him.

He was delicious, tasting sweet like the bottle of bubbly he’d insisted on ordering. She’d thought it’d just been to celebrate their business arrangement. She had no idea it was part of this seductive proposal. This man was as dangerous to her common sense as he was delicious enough to kiss all night long.

When applause and whistles filled the restaurant, it shattered the illusion. Kyra crashed back to earth and reluctantly pulled back. Her gaze met his passion-filled eyes. He wanted her. That part couldn’t be faked. So that kiss had been more than a means to prove to the world that their relationship was real. The kiss had been the heart-pounding, soul-stirring genuine article.

Her shaky fingers moved to her lips. They still tingled. Realizing she was acting like someone who hadn’t been kissed before, she moved her hand. Her gaze landed upon her hand and the jaw-dropping rock Cristo had placed there. The large circular diamond had to be at least four, no make that five, carats. It was surrounded by a ring of smaller diamonds. The band was a beautiful rose gold with tiny diamonds adorning the band. She was in love—with the ring, of course.

“Do you like it?” Cristo moved beside her and gazed down at the ring.

“It’s simply stunning. But it’s far too much.”

Cristo leaned over and whispered, “The ring quite suits you even if it can’t compare to your beauty. How about we take our cupcake upstairs?”

The Greek's Ready-Made Wife

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