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SO MUCH FOR thinking Christmas had come early.

There appeared to be a lump of coal in her stocking.

Zoe arched a brow at Demetrius. Question after question crowded her mind. Like what exactly was her ex-husband really up to? Then again, their marriage had been annulled so technically he wasn’t her ex. So what did that make him? Her fairy-tale past? Her delicious mistake?

Not that any of it mattered.

They were history. That part was undeniable.

“The prince is correct. I just stopped by to check on something.” Zoe made sure to wear her friendliest smile. “If you’ll excuse me.”

She stepped past Demetrius and kept walking. The murmur of their voices resumed. It wasn’t until she’d reached the other end of the landing that she paused and glanced over her shoulder.

Her gaze scanned over Demetrius’s tailored charcoal-gray suit and polished dress shoes. He looked quite smart in his designer clothes. His hair was a little shorter and styled. So much for the laid-back, not-worried-about-his-looks prince. The tide had most definitely turned. The man standing in front of the camera definitely had a serious persona about him.

What had happened to turn Demetrius into the focused prince standing before her? The question teetered on the tip of her tongue, but she knew that it was no longer any of her business. The thought settled as a lump in her stomach. She’d done what she thought was best at the time by walking away—even if she had loved him.

When his dark gaze met hers, the breath hitched in her throat. It was abundantly clear that she was the very last person he’d expected to see today. And he was none too happy about it. Her fingers fidgeted with the material of her skirt. Would he have her replaced?

Zoe’s stomach dipped. This job was not only impressive but it also paid well—quite well. It’d certainly improve her declining bank account and give her the funds necessary to continue helping her ailing mother. Without it, she didn’t know how she’d make do.

She’d lingered too long. It was time to slip inside the mansion away from the paparazzi, away from the questions—away from Demetrius’s accusing stare. She was just about at the front door of the mansion when a man stepped out from behind one of the columns.

“Smile for the camera, sweetie.” He snapped a picture of her.

The flash momentarily blinded her. She stood rooted in the same spot. What in the world?

The man was short and had a paunch. He hadn’t seen a razor recently and his hair was greasy with a long, stringy comb-over. His eyes narrowed in on her. “They’re going to love you.”

“Who are you? What do you want?”

“I’m the man who’s going to learn your secrets.”

There was no way he was with Ms. Russo. Zoe started to back up. Not realizing there was a step behind her, she tripped and a scream tore from her lungs.

“Zoe?” Demetrius called out.

Her hands flailed about as she struggled to regain her balance. And then suddenly there was a steadying hand clutching her arm, pulling her to safety. Once she was on level footing, her gaze met Demetrius’s concerned look.

“Are you all right?” His voice was gruff with concern.

“I’m fine.” She glanced around but the man who’d startled her was gone.

“Did you see that man?”

Demetrius shook his head. “Was it one of the construction workers?”

“I don’t think so. He had a camera.”

Demetrius called over one of his security detail, and in hushed tones they spoke. Then he turned back to her. “Don’t worry. If he’s still here, they’ll find him. Do you know what he wanted?”

Zoe shook her head.

Ms. Russo rushed over. “Is everything okay?”

“There was a man here,” Demetrius explained. “He startled Miss Sarris.”

The reporter lowered her microphone. “I caught a glimpse of him just as he turned to leave.”

Zoe was so relieved to know that someone had seen him. “Do you know who he is?”

“I don’t know his name.” Ms. Russo’s dark brows drew together. “I’ve seen him before. I think he may be a stringer, selling whatever dirt he digs up on celebrities to the highest paying publication. He doesn’t look it, but he’s very good at sniffing out the scandalous stories.” Ms. Russo’s gaze moved from Zoe to Demetrius. “So Prince Demetrius, do you know why he’s investigating you?”

Demetrius frowned. “I have no idea.”

Wanting to diffuse this line of questioning, Zoe spoke up. “What will happen if they catch him?”

Demetrius’s gaze met hers. “Did he hurt you?” When she shook her head, he continued. “He’ll most likely be questioned and released.”

It wasn’t exactly a comforting thought to know that man would soon be loose. But Demetrius was right. They couldn’t lock him up just because he’d scared her.

“Don’t look so worried.” Demetrius’s voice was low and comforting. “He was interested in me, not you.”

Zoe wasn’t so sure about that. The man’s beady eyes had been staring right at her when he’d spoken. Goose bumps raced down her arms. She’d prefer to never see him again.

“Are you all right?” The reporter sent her a worried look.

Zoe nodded. “I should be going.”

“Please don’t rush off.” Ms. Russo gestured to her cameraman to start filming. “Since you’re here, can you give us some idea of what to look forward to with the mansion?”

Zoe wanted to leave—to get as far away as fast as possible. But how would that look? Talk about giving credence to that creep’s allegations that she had secrets. She refused to let him or anyone else run her off.

With every bit of willpower she could muster, Zoe flashed the camera a smile. “Sure. As long as Prince Demetrius doesn’t mind.”

He made a pretense of checking his Rolex watch. “I suppose we have time. But it will have to be quick. I have another meeting shortly.”

“Certainly.” The reporter’s eyes gleamed with victory.

The woman started rambling off questions about the project as the cameraman filmed the whole session. It was bad enough running into her ex, but now to be filmed with him for primetime television made her want to groan. Could this day get any worse?

“Now, how did you two meet?”

“What?” When all three people turned inquisitive eyes Zoe’s way, the heat of embarrassment inched up her neck. “Sorry.” She searched for the easiest way out of this mess. “I got distracted. What did you ask?”

“I was wondering how you and the prince met.”

Zoe waited, hoping Demetrius would speak up and put an end to this interview. But instead he remained silent, letting the awkward silence grow. Zoe improvised. “We don’t really know each other.”

The reporter’s brow arched. “That’s interesting. I’d have sworn you two seemed to know each other. Are you sure there wasn’t another project? Or a social engagement?”

“We don’t move in the same social circles,” Zoe said with utter honesty.

At last, Demetrius found his voice. “This is actually our first project together and Miss Sarris might not remember, but we met ever so briefly at the opening of the DiCapria corporate offices. She’d done such an excellent job with its design that when the Residenza del Rosa project came up, her name immediately came to mind.”

Of course Zoe remembered that moment. It had been the night her whole world changed. So then how could he just stand there and talk about their very first meeting at the DiCapria party as though nothing had come of it? It had been the precipice of her heart tumbling and careening into his.

“The DiCapria office is beautiful.” Ms. Russo turned to her. “That project brought you a lot of public attention. Would you say it was a turning point in your career?”

“Definitely.” Zoe was very proud of that project. They’d given her a lot of freedom with the design and she’d ended up impressing everyone. “It was and still is one of my favorite projects.”

“I’ll make a note to get some photos of the DiCapria offices to include in this exposé.” The woman keyed a note into her phone. “And if we could just have one more photo of you two together for our website, we’ll be done.”

Zoe’s cheeks ached from smiling so much. Don’t they already have enough footage? But when she glanced up the cameraman had gone to exchange his filming equipment for a digital camera.

While the reporter spoke to the camera guy, Demetrius leaned close and spoke in her ear. “Hang in there. Doing what she asks will be a lot faster and easier than trying to duck out.”

His crisp, fresh cologne teased her memory. She remembered all too clearly what it was like to lean into him and press her mouth to the smooth skin of his neck. His quickening pulse would thump beneath her lips as she’d leave a trail of kisses from his jaw down to his chest—

She groaned as she drew her thoughts up short.

That was then. This is now.

* * *

Demetrius sent Zoe a warning look as her groan reached his ears.

She had to hang in there just a little longer.

This interview couldn’t fall apart now.

If he failed to gain the nation’s confidence, there was a very good chance that anarchy would ravage this very beautiful island nation his father had spent his whole life protecting. Demetrius would do all he could to keep that from ever happening to his much-loved homeland.

Most of all, he couldn’t let down his father. He knew in the grand scheme of things that it shouldn’t weigh so heavy on him, but his father hadn’t had the easiest life despite his position. When Demetrius was fifteen, his mother had been murdered in an assassination attempt. It’d fractured their family.

His twin, Alexandro, blamed himself for the murder and had assumed the role of protector. Their father had grown quiet and reserved, spending all of his time working. Demetrius had gone a bit wild, living life to its fullest. He never thought any of them would be happy again.

Then last year, his brother had led the paparazzi on a wild chase to the United States to divert attention from Demetrius’s elopement to Zoe. And his brother’s daring plan had worked...sort of. While in the States, Alex had fallen in love and married an American. Somewhere during all of this, they’d started to act like a family again—sharing meals and catching up on each other’s lives. And he couldn’t lose that. Not again.

But now being here with Zoe, he realized he’d made a huge mistake by thinking they could work side by side. His gaze strayed to her. She was answering some more questions about her profession for the reporter.

His gaze skimmed down over her, noticing on closer inspection that her clothes hung a bit loose. Had she lost weight in the time they were apart? She had been slender when he knew her. The fact that she’d lost weight was worrying. He hoped she wasn’t sick. He studied her face. She didn’t look ill.

As he continued to stare at her, he felt the draw of attraction as strong now as it had been back when they were together. Was it possible she was even more beautiful today than she had been when he’d pledged his heart to her? His gaze slipped to her full lips—

Realizing the direction of his straying thoughts, he jerked them to a halt. No matter how tempting he still found her, he refused to fall for her charms again. His foolish behavior had already cost him so much.

“We’re almost done.” The reporter clasped her hands together. “I just need a couple more candid shots for the website. Could you both move to the edge of the steps?”

While they moved into the designated positions on the top step, he chanced another glance Zoe’s way. Her lips lifted at the corners. However, her smile didn’t quite reach her brown eyes. He wasn’t about to complain. At least she was playing along.

“Can you shake hands?”

With anyone else, the request would have been simple, but Zoe was not just anyone. She was most definitely someone—someone he was over. His jaw tightened. So then why was he making such a big deal out of this?

He extended his hand to her.

There was a moment’s hesitation. Her gaze met his, but he couldn’t read what she was thinking. When her hand slipped into his, there was a jolt—no, it was more like a lightning bolt—of awareness that coursed between them.

It means nothing.

She means nothing.

It’s all in my imagination.

“Hold that pose.” The reporter turned and frowned at the camera guy. “What’s the problem? Don’t keep the prince waiting.”

The photographer waved over the reporter. With a flustered look on Ms. Russo’s face, she uttered an apology and rushed down the steps to straighten out the problem.

“Are you really planning to oversee this project personally?” Zoe’s gaze was hard and cold.

He lowered his voice to a whisper. “Why wouldn’t I? This is my project. Surely you know that.”

“I know that they were bandying your name about when I was hired, but I figured they were just trying to impress me. I had no idea you could actually be persuaded to take part in this venture.”

He wanted to take offense. He wanted to assure her that he was always on top of things. But then again, not so long ago, he’d had his priorities all turned around. Back then, he’d only been worried about his personal happiness. Even as a teenager, he’d known that once he stepped up and took his rightful place in the monarchy that his life would not be his own. So he’d put off the inevitable as long as possible.

He kept his voice low. “Things have changed since you knew me.”

“You act like we were just strangers that passed in the night.”

Demetrius cleared his throat. Using the same voice he used when his advisors didn’t agree with him, he whispered, “This revitalization project is important. There’s a whole lot more at stake than just my reputation—”

“Sorry about that.” Ms. Russo joined them again. “My cameraman had a problem with the equipment. We need to film the part where you shake hands again.” Hesitantly they joined hands while Ms. Russo smiled. “This is great! The viewers will love it. This will definitely add a sense of hands-on attention by the prince.”

Hands-on. The words conjured up the memory of Zoe in his arms. Demetrius schooled his facial features to keep the unintended meaning of the reporter’s words from showing. He didn’t dare look at Zoe. He didn’t want to do anything to bring about a reaction in her. After all, how was he supposed to smile and relax while standing next to the one woman that he thought he could trust above all others?

“Can you look at each other?”

Demetrius reluctantly gazed at Zoe. Her gaze was closed and guarded. She was none too excited about this unexpected reunion, either. Well, good, he was more than willing to share the discomfort, although it didn’t come close to the agony he’d experience after she’d run out on him.

“Good. Good.” The reporter’s voice held a happy tone. Obviously she was the only one happy about this encounter. “Now could you continue to shake hands while talking about the project? We need a sound bite—one showing you two working together. A team effort.”

Demetrius cleared his throat. “Grazie. Your presence is appreciated.”

There was a pause and Demetrius tensed, waiting and wondering what Zoe would say.

“I’m honored to have been chosen for this very special project.”

“We are the lucky ones to have your talent to create a stunning retreat for the residents of this facility to forget about their lives—their problems—and just relax in the common rooms of this historic building.”

There was the slightest flash of emotion in Zoe’s eyes, but in a blink it was gone. “I hope to live up to your expectations.”

He’d give her credit. She was keeping this professional. Then again, he could never fault Zoe for acting anything but mature and professional. Otherwise they’d have never been able to maintain a relationship that was out of sight of the paparazzi. Which left him with a question that had been nagging him since she’d left him—why hadn’t she sold her story—their story—to the tabloids?

His gaze narrowed in on the woman standing before him. He didn’t understand her any more now than he did before. Perhaps he understood her even less. His advisors had insisted she was holding out for a bigger payday—bigger than the check he’d insisted on sending with the annulment papers. Was that why she’d never signed and returned the papers?

He withdrew his hand and turned to the reporter. “Ms. Sarris needs to get on with her work.”

Zoe thanked both of them and turned away. Then instead of leaving, she headed inside the building. The fact she didn’t use the opportunity to make a hasty escape surprised him. Then again since the night she’d walked out on him, everything she did surprised him.

The Prince's Christmas Vow

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