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When she started walking, he fell in step next to her.

Hand-in-hand, they moved as though they’d been together for years.

She glanced over at him. “Are you still up for going to dinner like we planned?”

He was hungry—there was no doubt about that. But food wasn’t what he craved.

Big snowflakes drifted lazily to the ground and quickly covered her hair. He’d never seen anyone so beautiful. It was going to be hard to stay focused on his priorities when all he wanted to do was get closer to Reese. If only his life were different …

In that moment he heard the King’s clear, distinct voice in his head. “Your life is one of honor—of duty. You must always think of the kingdom first.”

And that was what he was doing—but each day it was getting harder and harder to live by those rules. He glanced at Reese. Definitely much harder than he’d ever imagined.

A Princess By Christmas

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