Читать книгу The Playboy of Rome - Jennifer Faye - Страница 2



A recipe for dating DeFiore men…

Take two Italian brothers with a pinch of playboy charm

Add two American sisters with a liberal dash of feistiness

Simmer under warm Italian skies until perfectly combined

Serve with lashings of love.

To start: The Playboy of Rome

Dante DeFiore is passionate about life, women, and the tasty Italian food he creates. And with the arrival of feisty American TV star Lizzie Addler he finds her almost too tempting to resist! As the temperature soars in the kitchen the passion between Lizzie and Dante simmers until they reach boiling point.

Has this Italian playboy finally met his match?

The main: Best Man for the Bridesmaid

Stefano DeFiore is proud and reserved—he likes the quiet life. So planning a wedding for his celebrity chef brother is his idea of hell. But when bold and colourful Jules Lane enters his world—chief bridesmaid and sister to the bride—Stefano decides to take his best man duties seriously…including doing all he can to make Jules’s time in Italy simply heaven…

To finish: happily ever after?

The Playboy of Rome

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