Читать книгу Wild in the Moment - Jennifer Greene - Страница 2

“You Want To Be Reckless And Irresponsible?”


“Yeah, totally yeah,” Teague whispered.

Something warmed inside Daisy even more than all that hot, combustible sex. It was just…she hadn’t planned on liking a man, really liking one, for at least another millennium. In fact, she liked him so much at that instant that she had to hesitate. “You don’t think you’re going to regret this? That we’re moving too fast?”

“Of course we’re going to regret this. Of course we’re moving too fast.” He was still aiming for another kiss, and his voice was thicker than honey. “You know damn well it never works out to have sex too soon. It takes over everything.”

“I know. And I know better.” She found herself staring at his mouth.

“So do I. Believe me, this is your call. Totally. You want to send up a stop sign, we quit, all’s fair.”

“What on earth made you think I was going to put up a stop sign?”

Wild in the Moment

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