Читать книгу Wild in the Moonlight - Jennifer Greene - Страница 2

She’d Been Hurt. She’d Been Lonely. She Needed.


And maybe those were secrets she never meant to reveal to a stranger, but she never told him anything. She just kissed him back, wildly, freely, intimately.

Cameron thought he was a man who took gutsy risks…but Violet was the brave one, the honest one. Something in her called him. Something in him answered her with a well of feeling he’d never known he had.

He raised his head suddenly. “I never meant—”

She gulped in a breath. “It’s all right. I didn’t think you did.”

“It was the moonlight.”

“I know.”

“I need you to know you can trust me.”

“I’m thirty-four, Cameron. Too old to trust someone I barely know. But also way too old to make more of a kiss than what it was. We’ll just call this a moment’s madness and forget all about it.”

Easier said…

Wild in the Moonlight

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