Читать книгу Wild in the Field - Jennifer Greene - Страница 2

“I Just Wanted Us Both To Be Clear About What Was Going On,” Camille Said.


“Damn good sex is what went on,” Pete replied. “The best sex I can remember. Chemistry was over the top. If you feel differently or are trying to tell me that you regret it—”

“I don’t regret it.”

“If you want something more from me…”

“I don’t want a damn thing, you blockheaded dolt! And there’s nothing wrong with ‘just sex,’ either! Everything doesn’t have to end up in a complicated, heavy relationship, for heaven’s sake!”

“So what’s the problem?”

“There is no problem! And don’t you forget it!” She whipped around and stomped off. Try to be nice to the damn man and where did it get her? He didn’t want to be cared about. Well, fine.

She didn’t want him to care about her, either.

She walked so fast that she got a stitch in her side—except that somehow, that stitch seemed to be located right over her heart….

Wild in the Field

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