Читать книгу A Southern Promise - Jennifer Lohmann - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

One of the best things about writing books set in Durham, North Carolina, is that it gives me a wonderful excuse to get to know my town better. For this story, I was lucky enough to take the Citizen’s Police Academy program (offered by the Durham Police Department), tour American Underground (a business incubator) and have a drink at a coworker’s apartment downtown. Durham is experiencing a renaissance, and by setting books here I get to both live it and document it.

And since I’m a romance author, not a journalist, I get to reimagine my city and right what I perceive to be wrongs. In this case, Julianne restores Durham’s last tobacco warehouse (Liberty Warehouse), rather than it being torn down to make way for condos.

As you’re reading about Julianne and Howie, I hope my love for my city comes through in their love for it, and their love for each other.

If Southern history interests you, then the seminal text on Durham is Durham County: A History of Durham by Jean Bradley Anderson. If homicide investigations are more your speed, I recommend Homicide by David Simon. You may know him better as the creator of the HBO show The Wire, but he had many, many careers before television, including as a reporter who spent a year with the Baltimore Police Homicide Unit. Homicide is where I read about the evocative idea of a suspect looking for an escape window during interviews. Simon is a wonderful author and the book is a crackin’ good read.



A Southern Promise

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