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About This Book

The 35 hiking routes in Five-Star Trails: Asheville are organized with the area’s geography in mind. From 5 trails in the central area, the guidebook moves north for 8 trails, east for 5 trails, south for 7 trails, and west for 10 trails. Following is a description of each of these breakouts.


Hooray for so many trails close to the city of Asheville! Numerous folks who work and live in Asheville make use of these trails on a daily basis, primarily in the Bent Creek Experimental Forest and at the North Carolina Arboretum. And the forest bordering the city’s eastern and western flanks is widely accessible via the Mountains-to-Sea Trail.


The Blue Ridge Parkway north of Asheville includes the 6,000-foot peaks along the Craggy Ridgeline and the historic ruins at Rattlesnake Lodge. Most of the hikes in this area take place on or near the Mountains-to-Sea Trail, but a day trip to Hot Springs, North Carolina, will also allow you to take the Appalachian Trail to a gorgeous vista at Lover’s Leap, as well as at the famed meadows of Max Patch. The trek atop Big Firescald Knob delivers another Appalachian Trail experience. Solitude seekers will enjoy remote Hickey Fork.


East of Asheville, the hikes in this guidebook typically are not as heavily traveled as their counterparts to the west. Mount Mitchell is an exception, although you can find relative peace and quiet on its trails until you get very close to the summit. Bearwallow Mountain and Florence Nature Preserve are privately owned hiking destinations open to the public, with views, waterfalls, and biodiversity. Catawba Falls offers a stunning waterfall at the end of a relatively gentle path.


Variety characterizes the routes in this section. Turkey Pen is a multi-use trailhead, hosting equestrians, mountain bikers, and hunters as well as hikers. Hikers, writers, and families all love to visit Carl Sandburg’s Connemara Farms in Flat Rock. And DuPont State Forest offers stunning waterfalls and plenty of trails that are worth exploring time and time again.


West of Asheville, this guidebook leads you primarily into Pisgah National Forest, including Shining Rock Wilderness and Middle Prong Wilderness. Here, you will find that the longest and most challenging routes in this guidebook lie west of Asheville, at Shining Rock and Cold Mountain. The west region also features Black Balsam, Graveyard Fields, and Mount Pisgah—some of the most popular hiking destinations in our area.

How to Use This Guidebook

The following information walks you through this guidebook’s organization to make it easy and convenient to plan great hikes.

Overview Map and Map Key

The overview map on the inside front cover depicts the location of the primary trailhead for all 35 of the hikes described in this book. The numbers shown on the overview map pair with the map key on the opposite page. Each hike’s number remains with that hike throughout the book. Thus, if you spot an appealing hiking area on the overview map, you can flip through the book and find those hikes easily by their numbers at the top of each profile page.

Trail Maps and Map Legend

In addition to the overview map, a detailed map of each hike’s route appears with its profile. On this map, symbols indicate the trailhead, the complete route, significant features, facilities, and topographic landmarks such as creeks, overlooks, and peaks. A legend identifying the map symbols used throughout the book appears on the inside back cover.

To produce the highly accurate maps in this book, I used a handheld GPS unit to gather data while hiking each route, and then sent that data to the publisher’s expert cartographers.

Despite the high quality of the maps in this guidebook, the publisher and I strongly recommend that you always carry an additional map—or maps—such as the ones noted in each hike profile’s introductory, key-info “Maps” listing.

Elevation Profiles

This graphic illustration represents the rises and falls of the trail as viewed from the side, over the complete mileage, of that trail. On the diagram’s vertical axis, or height scale, the number of feet indicated between each tick mark lets you visualize the ascent or descent. To avoid making flat hikes look steep and steep hikes appear flat, varying height scales provide an accurate image of each route’s hiking difficulty. For example, one hike’s scale might change 800 feet, as shown for the hike at Carl Sandburg’s Connemara Farms, while another stretches nearly 3,000 feet, as shown for Cold Mountain.

If the profile does not include the diagram, that simply means that the elevation change is so insignificant that it would appear as a virtually flat path regardless of the cartographer’s height scales described above.

However, as you will, in “The Hike Profile” section, the key-info list that introduces each route in this guidebook always includes a text line for “elevation,” which specifies the altitude at the trailhead. This item also notes the elevation at the route’s peak—or at the lowest point, if the trailhead elevation is the peak. (If the difference between the highest and lowest altitudes is negligible, that also is stated.)

The Hike Profile

This book contains a concise and informative narrative of each hike from beginning to end. The text will get you from a well-known road or highway to the trailhead, through the twists and turns of the hike route, back to the trailhead, and to notable nearby attractions, if there are any. Each profile opens with the route’s star ratings, GPS trailhead coordinates, and a lineup of other key information. Below is an explanation of the introductory elements that give you a snapshot of each of the 35 routes in Five-Star Trails: Asheville.


Five-Star Trails is the Menasha Ridge Press series of guidebooks geared to selected US urban areas such as Asheville, North Carolina. Authors for the series are locally based, experienced outdoors writers. For research, they personally hike a variety of trails—often creating unique routes by marrying sections of different trails.

To determine worthy selections for this series, authors assess the qualities of each route in the five categories shown below. Each trail must average high ratings among the five categories; or it must be outstanding in one or more of these categories. For example, the author may award a trail only one star for “Condition” but five stars for “Scenery” and include it in the book. Why? Because, based on the author’s own trek, it is well worth hiking the “rocky, overgrown, or often muddy” path in order to witness and savor its “unique, picturesque panorama.”

Following is the explanation for the rating system of one to five stars in each of the five categories.


Unique, picturesque panoramas

Diverse vistas

Pleasant views

Unchanging landscape

Not selected for scenery


Consistently well maintained

Stable, with no surprises

Average terrain to negotiate

Inconsistent, with good and poor areas

Rocky, overgrown, or often muddy


Babes in strollers are welcome

Fun for anyone past the toddler stage

Good for young hikers with proven stamina

Not enjoyable for children

Not advisable for children




Moderate (won’t exhaust you, but you’ll know you’ve been hiking)

Easy, with patches of moderate

Good for a relaxing stroll


Positively tranquil

Spurts of isolation

Moderately secluded

Crowded on weekends and holidays

Steady stream of individuals and/or groups


As noted in “Trail Maps”, I transmitted data from a handheld GPS unit to the publisher’s cartographers. In addition to its use in creating this book’s maps, that information verified the GPS coordinates—the intersection of the lines of latitude (north) and longitude (west)—to place you at the trailhead.

In some cases, you can drive to a parking point within viewing distance of that trailhead. Other hikes require a short walk to reach the trailhead from a parking area. Either way, the trailhead coordinates are given from the point where you will begin hiking.

Pertinent to visualizing the GPS coordinates, the latitude and longitude grid system is likely quite familiar to you, but here is a refresher:

Imaginary lines of latitude—called parallels and approximately 69 miles apart from each other—run horizontally around the globe. Each parallel is indicated by degrees from the equator (established to be 0°): up to 90°N at the North Pole and down to 90°S at the South Pole.

Imaginary lines of longitude—called meridians—run perpendicular to latitude lines. Longitude lines are likewise indicated by degrees: starting from 0° at the Prime Meridian in Greenwich, England, they continue to the east and west until they meet 180° later at the International Date Line in the Pacific Ocean. At the equator, longitude lines are approximately 69 miles apart, but that distance narrows as the meridians converge toward the North and South Poles.

GPS coordinates are shown in varying formats, and they often are given in degrees, minutes, and seconds. But the popular format used in this book is degrees–decimal minutes.

As an example of the degrees–decimal minute format, regard the GPS coordinates for Hike 1, the Arboretum Explorer Loop: N35° 30.052’ W82° 35.940’. This tells you that the trailhead is at a latitude of 35 degrees, 30.052 minutes, and at a longitude of 82 degrees, 35.940 minutes.

For more on GPS technology, visit usgs.gov.


The distance shown is for the complete hike from start to finish, as recorded with the GPS unit. As the mileage is for the total hike, it is always measured round-trip. (Unless otherwise specified, the profile opener’s mileage does not factor any options to shorten or extend the hike, but such segues are addressed in the hike description.)

Configuration defines the trail as a loop, an out-and-back (taking you in and out via the same route), a figure eight, or a balloon.


Unlike distance, which is a real, measured number, hiking time is an estimate. Every hiker has a different pace. In this guidebook, you can assume the hiking time is based on a pace of about 1.75–2 miles per hour (when taking notes and pictures), and that is the standard for most of the hike times. There are some adjustments for steepness, rough terrain, and high elevation. And there is some time built in for a quick breather here and there, but hikers should consider that any prolonged break (such as lunch or swimming) will add to the hike time. Also keep in mind seasonal daylight hours, so that you don’t find yourself hiking back to the trailhead in the dark; and remember that forested canopies greatly block the fading daylight.


Waterfalls, historic sites, or other features that draw hikers to the trail are capsuled here.


Unless the route is virtually flat—in which case that fact will be cited and one elevation will be listed—two elevation points are always indicated: one at the trailhead and another figure for the highest or lowest altitude on that route. For most hikes herein, you will ascend from the trailhead, but in some cases, the trailhead may be the route’s peak, in which case you will descend from there. (Also see “Elevation Profiles”.)


Fees or permits required to hike the trail and trail-access hours are indicated here.


This item recommends sources in addition to the maps in this guidebook, and hikers are strongly urged to consult these references.


This section alerts you to restrooms, phones, water, picnic tables, and other basics at or near the trailhead.


For each hike, you will readily see whether or not it is feasible for the enjoyment of outdoors enthusiasts who use a wheelchair.


Assorted nuggets of information, such as whether or not your dog is allowed on the trails, appear here.


Phone numbers and websites listed here are handy for checking up-to-date trail conditions and gleaning other day-to-day information.


Each profile contains a complete narrative of the hike: “Overview” gives you a quick summary of what to expect on that trail. The “Route Details” section guides you on the hike, start-to-finish. In “Nearby Attractions,” you will learn of area sites that you might like, such as restaurants, museums, or other trails. “Directions” will get you to the trailhead from a well-known road or highway.


Hiking is a great activity to enjoy in Asheville throughout the year.

Hiking the trails around Asheville in autumn should be on everyone’s to-do list. The forest lights up like a fireworks show, and blueberries and blackberries grow along or near most paths. Animal sightings are also prevalent during this season, as many of the animals are trying to eat as much as possible before the long, cold winter.

Springtime is a favorite season for many hikers, as the wildflowers and wildlife begin to visit the trail. Mid-May, the mountain laurel and flaming azalea accent many trails with beautiful pink and orange blooms.

During summer the trails are a great place to escape the heat. Waterfall hikes become especially desirable during this season. However, mountain vistas are sometimes less spectacular, as a summer haze can obscure the distant peaks.

In winter, road access by car to the trailheads for many of the best hikes in the region becomes difficult or impossible if the Blue Ridge Parkway closes. Note that real-time road openings and closures can be accessed through the parkway’s website, nps.gov/blri. But several of these trails are still reachable if you are willing to drive to them on winding back roads or to hike in on approach trails. The bare trees of December, January, and February provide incredible views that are not available the rest of the year.


How much is enough? Well, one simple physiological fact should convince you to err on the side of excess when deciding how much water to pack: a hiker walking steadily in 90-degree heat needs approximately 10 quarts of fluid per day. That’s 2.5 gallons. A good rule of thumb is to hydrate prior to your hike, carry (and drink) 6 ounces of water for every mile you plan to hike, and hydrate again after the hike. For most people, the pleasures of hiking make carrying water a relatively minor price to pay to remain safe and healthy. So pack more water than you anticipate needing even for short hikes.

If you are tempted to drink “found water,” do so with extreme caution. Many ponds and lakes encountered by hikers are fairly stagnant and taste terrible, plus they present inherent risks for thirsty trekkers. Giardia parasites contaminate many water sources and cause the dreaded intestinal giardiasis that can last for weeks after ingestion. For information, visit the Centers for Disease Control website at cdc.gov/parasites/giardia.

In any case, effective treatment is essential before using any water source found along the trail. Boiling water for 2–3 minutes is always a safe measure for camping, but day hikers can consider iodine tablets, approved chemical mixes, filtration units rated for Giardia, and UV filtration. Some of these methods (e.g., filtration with an added carbon filter) remove bad tastes typical in stagnant water, while others add their own taste. Carry a means of purification to help in a pinch and if you realize you have underestimated your consumption needs.


Weather, unexpected trail conditions, fatigue, extended hiking duration, and wrong turns can individually or collectively turn a great outing into a very uncomfortable one at best—and a life-threatening one at worst. Thus, proper attire plays a key role in staying comfortable and, sometimes, in staying alive. Here are some helpful guidelines:

Choose silk, wool, or synthetics for maximum comfort in all of your hiking attire—from hats to socks and in-between. Cotton is fine if the weather remains dry and stable, but you won’t be happy if it gets wet.

Always wear a hat, or at least tuck one into your day pack or hitch it to your belt. Hats offer all-weather sun and wind protection as well as warmth if it turns cold.

Be ready to layer up or down as the day progresses and the mercury rises or falls. Today’s outdoor wear makes layering easy, with such designs as jackets that convert to vests and zip-off or button-up legs.

Wear hiking boots or sturdy hiking sandals with toe protection. Flip-flopping on a paved path in an urban botanical garden is one thing, but never hike a trail in open sandals or casual sneakers. Your bones and arches need support, and your skin and nails need protection.

Pair that footwear with good socks! If you prefer not to sheathe your feet when wearing hiking sandals, tuck the socks into your day pack; you may need them if the weather plummets or if you hit rocky turf and pebbles begin to irritate your feet. And, in an emergency, if you have lost your gloves, you can adapt the socks into mittens.

Don’t leave rainwear behind, even if the day dawns clear and sunny. Tuck into your day pack, or tie around your waist, a jacket that is breathable and either water-resistant or waterproof. Investigate different choices at your local outdoor retailer. If you are a frequent hiker, ideally you’ll have more than one rainwear weight, material, and style in your closet to protect you in all seasons in your regional climate and hiking microclimates.

Essential Gear

Today, you can buy outdoor vests that have up to 20 pockets shaped and sized to carry everything from toothpicks to binoculars or, if you don’t aspire to feel like a burro, you can neatly stow all of these items in your day pack or backpack. The following list showcases never-hike-without-them items—in alphabetical order, for easy reference:

Duct tape: One of those small rolls you get at the drugstore will do. It can hold gear together if needed, and it’s good for blisters if you apply it to the swelling early enough.

Extra clothes: Raingear, warm hat, gloves, and change of socks and shirt.

Extra food: Trail mix, granola bars, or other high-energy foods.

Flashlight or headlamp: Include extra bulb and batteries.

Insect repellent: For some areas and seasons, this is extremely vital.

Maps and high-quality compass: Even if you know the terrain from previous hikes, don’t leave home without these tools, and consult and carry more than one map (in addition to those in this guidebook). Though phones have GPS receivers in them, lack of service can render the GPS-based maps inoperable.

Matches (ideally, windproof) and/or a lighter: A fire starter is also a good idea.

Pocketknife and/or a multitool: Never hike without one of these implements.

Sunscreen: Note the expiration date on the tube or bottle; it’s usually embossed on the top.

Water: As emphasized more than once in this book, bring more than you think you will drink; depending on your destination, you may want to bring a water bottle and iodine or filter for purifying water in the wilderness in case you run out.

Whistle: This little gadget will be your best friend in an emergency.

First Aid Kit

In addition to the items above, those below may appear overwhelming for a day hike. But any paramedic will tell you that the products listed here, in alphabetical order, are just the basics. The reality of hiking is that you can be out for a week of backpacking and acquire only a mosquito bite—or you can hike for an hour, slip, and suffer a bleeding abrasion or broken bone. Fortunately, these items will collapse into a very small space, and convenient, prepackaged kits are available at your pharmacy and on the Internet.

Consider your intended terrain and the number of hikers in your party before you exclude any article cited below. A botanical garden stroll may not inspire you to carry a complete kit, but anything beyond that warrants precaution. When hiking alone, you should always be prepared for a medical need. And if you are a twosome or with a group, one or more people in your party should be equipped with first aid material.

Ace bandages or Spenco joint wraps

Antibiotic ointment (Neosporin or the generic equivalent)

Athletic tape


Benadryl or the generic equivalent diphenhydramine (in case of allergic reactions)

Blister kit (such as Moleskin/Spenco Second Skin)

Buttery-closure bandages

Epinephrine in a prefilled syringe (for people known to have severe allergic reactions to such things as bee stings, usually by prescription only)

Gauze (one roll and a half dozen 4x4-inch pads)

Hydrogen peroxide or iodine

Ibuprofen or acetaminophen

General Safety

The following tips may have the familiar ring of your mother’s voice as you take note of them:

Always let someone know where you will be hiking and how long you expect to be gone. It’s a good idea to give that person a copy of your route, particularly if you are headed into any isolated area. Let them know when you return.

Always sign in and out of any trail registers provided. Don’t hesitate to comment on the trail condition if space is provided; that’s your opportunity to alert others to any problems you encounter.

Never exclusively count on a smartphone for your safety. Reception may be spotty or nonexistent on the trail, especially in deep valleys enveloped by mountains, a common occurrence around Asheville.

Always carry food and water, even for a short hike. And bring more water than you think you will need. (I cannot say that often enough!)

Stay on designated trails. Even on the most clearly marked trails, there is usually a point where you have to stop and consider in which direction to head. If you become disoriented, don’t panic. As soon as you think you may be off track, stop, assess your current direction, and then retrace your steps to the point where you went astray. Using a map, a compass, and this book, and keeping in mind what you have passed thus far, reorient yourself, and trust your judgment on which way to continue. If you become absolutely unsure of how to continue, return to your vehicle the way you came in. Should you become completely lost and have no idea how to return to the trailhead, remaining in place along the trail and waiting for help is most often the best option for adults and always the best option for children.

Always carry a whistle. It may be a lifesaver (or at least a major stress-reducer) if you do become lost or sustain an injury.

Be especially careful when crossing streams. Whether you are fording the stream or crossing on a log, make every step count. If you have any doubt about maintaining your balance on a log, ford the stream instead: use a trekking pole or stout stick for balance and face upstream as you cross. If a stream seems too deep to ford, turn back. Whatever is on the other side is not worth risking your life. By the walk, trekking poles improve balance on the trail as well as when crossing streams.

Be careful at overlooks. While these areas may provide spectacular views, they are potentially hazardous. Stay back from the edge of outcrops and be absolutely sure of your footing; a misstep can mean a nasty and possibly fatal fall.

Look up! Standing dead trees and storm-damaged living trees pose a real hazard to hikers. These trees may have loose or broken limbs that could fall at any time. Be mindful of this when walking beneath trees, and when choosing a spot to rest or enjoy your snack.

Know hypothermia symptoms. Shivering and forgetfulness are the two most common indicators of this stealthy killer. Hypothermia can occur at any elevation, even during summer, especially when the hiker is wearing lightweight cotton clothing. If symptoms present themselves, get to shelter, hot liquids, and dry clothes ASAP.

Ask questions. National and state forest employees are there to help. It’s a lot easier to ask advice beforehand, and it will help you avoid a mishap away from civilization when it’s too late to amend an error.

Most important of all, take along your brain. A cool, calculating mind is the single-most important asset on the trail. Think before you act. Watch your step. Plan ahead. Avoiding accidents before they happen is the best way to ensure a rewarding and relaxing hike.

Watchwords for Flora and Fauna

Following is some specific advice about dealing with the various hazards that come with wandering through the ecosystem. They are listed in alphabetical order.

BLACK BEARS In primitive and remote areas, assume bears are present; in more developed sites, check on the current bear situation prior to hiking. Most encounters are food related, as bears have an exceptional sense of smell and not particularly discriminating tastes. While this is of greater concern to backpackers and campers, on a day hike, you may plan a lunchtime picnic or just munch on an energy bar or other snack from time to time. So remain aware and alert.

Though attacks by black bears are rare indeed, the sight or approach of a bear will give anyone a start. If you encounter a bear while hiking, remain calm and never turn your back to run away. Instead, make loud noises to scare off the bear and back away slowly.

MOSQUITOES Insect repellent and/or repellent-impregnated clothing are the only simple methods available to ward off these pests. In some areas, mosquitoes are known to carry the West Nile virus, so all due caution should be taken to avoid their bites.

POISON IVY, OAK, AND SUMAC Recognizing and avoiding poison ivy (see below), oak, and sumac are the most effective ways to prevent the painful, itchy rashes associated with these plants. Poison ivy occurs as a vine or groundcover, three leaflets to a leaf; poison oak occurs as either a vine or shrub, also with three leaflets; and poison sumac flourishes in swampland, each leaf having 7–13 leaflets. Urushiol, the oil in the sap of these plants, is responsible for the rash. Within 14 hours of exposure, raised lines and/or blisters will appear on the affected area, accompanied by a terrible itch. Refrain from scratching because bacteria under your fingernails can cause an infection. Wash and dry the affected area thoroughly, applying a calamine lotion to help dry out the rash. If itching or blistering is severe, seek medical attention. If you do come into contact with one of these plants, remember that oil-contaminated clothes, hiking gear, or pets can easily cause an irritating rash on you or someone else, so wash not only any exposed parts of your body but also clothes, gear, and pets, if applicable.

Photo: Jane Huber

SNAKES Rattlesnakes, cottonmouths, copperheads, and corals are among the most common venomous snakes in the United States, and hibernation season is typically October into April. In the Asheville hiking area, you will possibly encounter rattlesnakes, cottonmouths, and copperheads. However, the snakes you most likely will see while hiking will be nonvenomous species and subspecies. The best rule is to leave all snakes alone, give them a wide berth as you hike past, and make sure any hiking companions (including dogs) do the same.

When hiking, stick to well-used trails and wear over-the-ankle boots and loose-fitting long pants. Rattlesnakes like to bask in the sun and won’t bite unless threatened. Do not step or put your hands where you cannot see, and avoid wandering around in the dark. Step onto logs and rocks, never over them, and be especially careful when climbing rocks. Always avoid walking through dense brush or willow thickets.

TICKS Ticks often live in areas around brush and tall grass, where they seem to be waiting to hitch a ride on a warm-blooded passerby. Adult ticks are most active April into May and again October into November. Among the varieties of ticks, the black-legged tick, commonly called the deer tick, is the primary carrier of Lyme disease. Wear light-colored clothing, so ticks can be spotted before they make it to the skin. And be sure to visually check your hair, back of neck, armpits, and socks at the end of the hike. During your post-hike shower, take a moment to do a more complete body check. For ticks that are already embedded, removal with tweezers is best. Use disinfectant solution on the wound.


Separate rules, regulations, and licenses govern the various hunting types and related seasons. Though there are generally no problems, hikers may wish to forgo their trips during the big-game seasons, when the woods suddenly seem filled with orange and camouflage. Before hiking, check with the area managing body’s website to see if hunting season is in effect.


Trail regulations in the Asheville region are dependent on the governing body of each specific hiking path. However, here are some general guidelines:

Unless specific signs or instructions at the trailhead indicate otherwise, hikers should assume that dogs have to remain on leashes of less than 6 feet in length. Many hikers are uncomfortable with other people’s dogs off-leash, and it is not fair to ruin their hikes because your pooch wants to run free—whether or not leashes are required. Small children are especially vulnerable to unleashed dogs tearing down the trail.

If there is a trailhead information kiosk, be sure to check the board for pertinent information or recent trail reroutes.

If there is a trail register, as noted in “General Safety”, be sure to sign in and leave your pertinent information before starting the hike.

Trail Etiquette

Always treat the trail, wildlife, and fellow hikers with respect. Here are some reminders.

Plan ahead in order to be self-sufficient at all times. That means carrying necessary supplies for changes in weather or other conditions. A well-executed trip is a satisfaction to you and to others.

Hike on open trails only.

Respect trail and road closures (ask if not sure), avoid possible trespassing on private land, and obtain all permits and authorization as required. Also, leave gates as you find them or as marked.

Be courteous to other hikers, bikers, equestrians, and others you encounter on the trails.

Never spook animals. An unannounced approach, a sudden movement, or a loud noise startles most animals. A surprised animal can be dangerous to you, to others, and to itself. Give them plenty of space.

Observe the YIELD signs that are displayed around the region’s trailheads and backcountry. They advise hikers to yield to horses, and bikers to yield to both horses and hikers. A common courtesy on hills is that hikers and bikers yield to any uphill traffic. When encountering mounted riders or horse packers, hikers can courteously step off the trail, on the downhill side if possible. Speak to the riders before they reach you and do not dart behind trees. You are less spooky if the horse can see and hear you. Resist the urge to pet horses unless you are invited to do so.

Stay on the existing trail and do not blaze any new trails.

Be sure to pack out what you pack in, whether you are on a day hike with just a tissue and a small lunch sack or on a longer trek with a backpack full of supplies. No one likes to see the trash someone else has left behind. Just think what a difference it would make if everyone picked up just one piece of trash each time they hit the trail.

To emphasize: ALWAYS practice Leave No Trace Principles. Visit lnt.org for more information. Try to preserve the trail in the same shape, if not better, than how you found it.

Tips for Enjoying Hiking in the Asheville Area

The best way to enjoy your hike is to come to the trailhead prepared. And take your time to enjoy the spectacular trails of the Asheville area and its surroundings.

If you are hiking in a group, do not try to keep up with the fastest hiker. Instead, allow each person to go at his or her own speed. Or, if you wish to stay together, make sure that the pace is comfortable for everyone.

Another way to enjoy the hike is to make sure that you are properly fueled before starting the trip. If you are hungry or thirsty at the outset of your trek, then it is unlikely you will have much energy or much fun on the trail.

Also, remember that the temperature in Asheville is often much warmer than on top of the surrounding mountaintops. On your hike, be prepared for a 10–20 degree drop in temperature and stronger winds than are present on the valley floor.

If you are a fan of spotting wildlife, consider planning your trek for the hours that coincide with dawn and dusk. This is the best time to spot bears, turkey, and deer. Pay particular attention to the trail during the heat of the day, as this is the time when snakes typically enjoy stretching across the trail and sunbathing.

Five-Star Trails: Asheville

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