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I was a fan of Jennifer Vaughn before I came to Channel Nine. I first saw her on the air a dozen years ago. At that time I was hosting a show on New Hampshire Public Television.

Over the years I had seen dozens of television reporters come and go. Jen was someone special. She wrote clear news stories that had punch. She had a good voice. She understood the camera. In short, she was a natural.

And she was good looking.

When Jen told me that she had written a novel, it came as no surprise. With her competence I knew her book would be readable and fun.

Which, I am delighted to say, it is.

And her novel is not just a read, it’s a romp; a fascinating, funny, scary, romantic, touching romp with all the characters larger than life.

Jen’s story slams us back and forth all over the world; from England to Iraq to the White House to New York, Los Angeles, and Florida.

It all comes together on an airplane ride as good as a rollercoaster.

What fun!

Fasten your seat belt, you are in for a hell of a ride.

Fritz Wetherbee

Acworth, NH

January 2011

Last Flight Out

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