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This fifth edition of the Academic Job Search Handbook rests on the contributions of all those who have been mentioned in the Acknowledgments of the first four editions. This edition builds on the previous work of the late Mary Morris Heiberger and adds the voice of new coauthor Rosanne Lurie.

We are grateful to all past and current contributors—doctoral students, alumni, postdoctoral fellows, faculty, and administrators—who provided insight and ideas, a reading of the manuscript, or actual job hunting materials. We are grateful to the faculty from many colleges and universities, particularly the University of Pennsylvania and, now, the Graduate Center, City University of New York, who have shared their insight and experience at programs we have organized for graduate students and postdocs. It is impossible to thank them all individually, but we are well aware that but for them this book could not exist. Graduate students, postdocs, graduate alumni, and junior faculty members have discussed their own job searches with us; they have broadened our awareness of the range of what may happen and increased our ability to predict what is likely to happen.

We owe a great debt to our colleagues in the Graduate Career Consortium. For more than a quarter of a century, the GCC has been the professional network of staff and administrators who provide professional and career development for Ph.D.s and postdoctoral scholars at their universities and institutions. We are grateful to this most supportive group that shares ideas and problems as we work to best help doctoral students and postdocs and, for this edition, particularly appreciate the help of Gwynn Laird Benner, Rachel Bernard, Victoria Blodgett, Melissa Bostrum, Neal Bryan, Eileen Callahan, Elizabeth Edwards, Chris Golde, Christine Kelly, Julia McAnnelen, Molly McCarthy, Amy Pszczolkowski, Briana Randall, Ruth Schemmer, Melanie Sinche, Molly Starbuck, Laura Stark, and Kate Stober.

At Penn we appreciate the help and support of Andrew Binns, Susan Weiss, Bob Schoenberg, MaryBeth Gasman, and Mitch Fraas. Colleagues at Career Services have been consistently supportive, particularly J. Michael DeAngelis, who handled all our technical problems with his usual aplomb. We feel fortunate that Patricia Rose, director, has been uniformly enthusiastic about and supportive of this project since its inception in the early 1990s.

At the City University of New York and particularly at the Graduate Center, the support of Chase Robinson, Louise Lennihan, Matthew Schoengood, Joe Straus, David Humphries, and Flannery Amdahl has been invaluable.

We appreciate the support of our respective spouses, Jim Vick, Kris Johnson, and Dave Rosenthal, as we worked at each other’s homes and held many weekend conference calls. Special thanks go to little Camille Elizabeth Johnson, whose punctuality in being born enabled her mother to put final touches on the manuscript!

It has been a pleasure to work with the staff at the University of Pennsylvania Press. They have been involved with this book since publishing the first edition in 1992.

As always, we are particularly grateful to the graduate students, alumni, postdocs and faculty members from institutions all over the country who shared their sample job-hunting materials and/or their narratives with us. Because we promised them anonymity, we cannot thank them here by name. However, their generosity has provided what many will find to be the most useful part of this book.

The Academic Job Search Handbook

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