Читать книгу Multicultural Psychology - Jennifer T. Pedrotti - Страница 25

A Brief Overview of the Book’s Organization


We have broken this textbook into several sections. We’ve started with Section I: “What Is Multicultural Psychology?” in this chapter, and in the rest of this section we will cover where multicultural psychology is as a field and how our current climate both influences and is influenced by the study of multiculturalism. We’ll also take a look backward to our history to allow us to see how we have arrived at the conclusions and ideas we support today. Section II: “Individuals and Their Contexts” will ask you to take a look at yourself and others through the lenses you use to view the world. We’ll start by talking about culture and worldview and the impact these concepts can have on what we view as “normal” or “abnormal.” Next we will discuss identity development with regard to race, sexuality, and other social facets. Models will be presented to help explicate the ways in which our various identity facets, and their intersections, influence our interactions, our day-to-day experiences, and our understandings of ourselves and others. Following this we will start to address the impact context has on us as individuals. Concepts such as racism, oppression, power, privilege, and stereotyping influence our lives in different ways depending on our identities and our place in the world. One strong influence on context, and how we see it, is our media, and unpacking the impact of differing images and prototypes will start out Section III: “Lived Experiences and Social Influences.” Following this contextual piece, we will detail experiences and issues commonly shared by those who identify as people of color, and those who identify as biracial or multiracial. In Section IV, “Moving Ahead: Emerging Issues and Goals,” we will detail how some of the concepts learned might be utilized and experienced in different settings. Here, too, we will take some time to dream a bit, looking toward the future and encouraging you to do the same.

Multicultural Psychology

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