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“HOW DOES IT FEEL to be a princess, Aleksandra?”

Terrifying. Bewildering. Like I have no idea what I am doing.

Alex swallowed hard, her knees knocking together as she looked out at the sea of reporters crowding the palace gardens for the official announcement of her appointment as Her Royal Highness, Aleksandra, Princess of Akathinia. Packed into the center of the labyrinth of neatly trimmed hedges in the Versailles-style gardens, there were hundreds of them toting cameras of all varieties, the buzz in the air palpable as they waited to grill the new royal.

It was the largest showing of a press contingent since the king and queen’s wedding the year before, a showing Alex had been well prepped for since making her decision to take her place as a Constantinides. And still her tongue was cleaved to the roof of her mouth, a rivulet of perspiration running down her back under the handpicked designer dress she wore.

Stella gave her an encouraging look from her position beside her, Nikandros flanking her other side. Taking a deep breath, Alex addressed the reporter in the front row.

“I’m still getting my feet wet. Perhaps you can ask me that again in a few months and I’ll have a better idea.”

“What is your role going to be?” the reporter followed up. “Do you have any causes you currently support?”

She was still trying to figure that out. It was her number one point of anxiety, in fact, since getting the hotel in the black had been her “cause” to date.

“I’m working through that,” she said. “More to come.”

“Why hasn’t the world known about you before now, Aleksandra?” another reporter called out. “Is it true your mother kept your birthright a secret?”

“That’s a personal matter I won’t comment on.”

“What about your father’s affairs? Is it possible there are more of you out there?”

“Again,” she said, “I won’t comment on my family’s personal affairs.”

“How do you anticipate handling the glare of the spotlight?”

“Day by day. Like any new job, I will have to learn my role. Luckily,” she added, nodding at her siblings, “I have my brother and sister by my side.”

A reporter directed a question at Stella about her new sister. Alex took the opportunity to breathe. A tall figure leaning against a tree behind the reporter claimed her attention. Aristos.

Clad in another of his bespoke suits, he sent her pulse scattering. What was he doing here?

“Aleksandra.” The reporter turned her attention back to her. “Overnight you have become one of the country’s most eligible women. Are you single or in a relationship?”

“I’m single.”

“What are you looking for in a potential husband?”

“I’m not looking,” she countered. “I have enough on my plate at the moment. But if I were, integrity, intelligence and kindness would be high on the list.”

Aristos’s mouth kicked up at the corners. Heat flamed her chest, rising to her face. Diavole, but why was he here?

“It’s rumored the duke of Catharia is quite taken with you. Perhaps there’s potential for a romance there?”

Her eyes widened. The duke had been seated beside her at an official dinner two nights ago. He was charming and attentive, and she’d enjoyed his company, but since she’d been told to keep a low profile considering today’s announcement, she hadn’t given him any encouragement. Perhaps also because her head had kept going back to her encounter with Aristos in the gardens. Charming as he might be, proper like the duke, he was not.

“The duke is lovely,” she said, lifting her chin. “But nothing to report there.”

The press flung a dozen more questions at her, covering everything from her life in Stygos to her favorite color. When they had exhausted anything that could be considered remotely interesting, a reporter in the middle of the pack directed a question at Nikandros.

“What do you make of the fact that Carnelia has called its reservists up to active duty?”

Her heart jumped. It had? Nikandros moved to the mike. “I think we’re doing everything we need to be doing to ensure Akathinia’s safety, now and in the future.

“Are you anticipating an invasion by Carnelia?”

“We hope it won’t come to that.”

The media peppered the king with a series of questions on the Carnelian situation. Alex kept her gaze on the press corps rather than on the man making her feel utterly conspicuous. Naive and conspicuous.

The press conference thankfully came to an end. The PR liaison appeared to usher them back into the palace. Stella stopped to talk to a reporter she knew, while Alex continued on with her minder, anxious to get away from the frenzy.

Aristos appeared at her side, his long strides easily gaining him even with her as she walked toward the palace. “Well done,” he murmured. “You took the leap.”

His designer stubble was thicker than usual, giving him a wicked, pirate-like appearance. It kicked her insides into high gear despite her better sense. She gave him her best haughty princess look. “Surely you didn’t come just to laugh at me?”

“You’ve been busy,” he noted. “Taking my advice. A duke already... And no, angel, I didn’t come to see your performance. I have a meeting with the king.”

Oh. Her stomach dropped. And why was that? She needed to be staying away from him, not courting his attention.

“There is no duke. He was seated beside me at dinner. That’s all.”

“And you flashed those baby blues at him and he didn’t stand a chance.”

She turned to face him. “I was not flirting.”

“You don’t have to. You’re a natural.” He gave her a pained look. “But kindness, integrity and intelligence? Really, Alex? You might as well have posted a neon sign inviting all the Sebastiens of the world to come running. That was not what I meant when I said expand your horizons.”

She narrowed her gaze. “That is just...rude. Any woman would be lucky to have Sebastien.”

“Except you,” he pointed out. “You’re far too hot-blooded for that, Princess.”

“Oof.” She stuck her hands on her hips. “I tell you what. The next time I need dating advice I won’t come to you and your heartless reputation. I’ll figure it out myself.”

“Ouch.” He pressed a hand to his chest. “Heartless. That hurts.”

“I’m sure you are withering away inside.” Noting that Stella was directly behind them, she pressed her lips together and flung him a cool look. “Enjoy your meeting, Mr. Nicolades. Good afternoon.”

Claiming The Royal Innocent

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