Читать книгу The King's Game - Jennifer Scott - Страница 4



Bonds are very delicate relationships, akin to objects dangling loosely on a rope, ready to fall at any moment. They’re supported by trust and held by compassion. They grow slowly with patience. They’re fragile, like thin layers of glass. They’re unbreakable but bendable, like a plastic objects.

An outsider would never understand why, always asking for the how. I suppose that I am an outsider. I could never place my trust in others. I can never share the weight rested upon my shoulders. I can only carry and allow myself to tumble with each step. I could never bring myself to reveal even a portion of truth about me. I could only allow them to point their fingers in haste towards my directions, stating the lies and disregarding possibilities.

I was hopelessly engulfed in my own world; my own perpetual abyss. I had already gotten used to it here as well as the loneliness that accompanied it. I enjoyed the tranquility within the silence and the feeling of reaching out to the unknown. Though I didn’t know why I was in here, I felt as if I was waiting for something, expecting something that I might not want to expect.

I assumed that everything will fall into place. Pieces will line themselves up and stack themselves into a masterpiece, waiting to be analyzed and used as a key for a question waiting to be solved. But answers are never easy to find if you don’t know where to look. We have to solve for an answer without a key. All is well, I suppose, if you were to listen to what shouldn’t be heard.

Now maybe I’m going off on a little tangent, jumbling up the pieces of a puzzle that is easily solved and turning it into something significantly more complicated. I wouldn’t know. In the end, I’m still chained down by the mysterious enigma that I embody. I don’t know what I want or where I want to be. I’m merely wasting my time wandering about in my thoughts as my companions slowly lose their faith in me.

All I can do is stand here and watch as these people pile themselves in front of me, risking their lives for someone who is not worth a ounce of their blood.

I can only agree that I’m cruel. That’s all there is to it. That’s all that I can say.

The King's Game

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